Item/Rank/Feature: Wheat Seeds Data Value: 295:0 Current Price: $.25 Suggested Price: $0.15 or $0.20 Brief Description: You get (on average) 1.5 seeds per wheat when chopping by hand, and as Fortune increases the average by .5 every level, you get an average of 3 seeds per wheat with a Fortune 3 tool (which doesn't require e-repairs if harvesting wheat). After replanting 1 seed per every wheat harvested, you end up with an average of .5 seeds per wheat when chopped by hand, and 2 seeds per wheat when chopped with a Fortune 3 tool (the maximum amount of seeds you can get) - and remember, this doesn't require ANY e-repairs. Open Discussion: This is ridiculous. I'm just sitting here laughing, because I farmed wheat FOREVER. Like, I made over 300k off of wheat farming. And I finally got a melon sword, and they nerfed melon prices, and shot up wheat prices!!! Lol. It's just ironic. Anyway, the price that we currently have for wheat seeds does the following: (I tested this on eben48's farm, while eben48 timed me). 1. With a Fortune 3 tool, (not requiring any e-repairs) and on /speed 1, I made $348.75 in 96 seconds. That translates to $13078.13 per hour. This included both chopping and replanting. 2. With a Fortune 3 tool, (not requiring any e-repairs) and on /speed 10, I made $344.25 in 80 seconds. That translates to $15,491.25 per hour. This included both chopping and replanting. If we use the average amount of seeds made per wheat as 2 with a Fortune 3 tool and .5 without one, this translates to $273.75 in 96 seconds, or $10,265.63 per hour. So, My point is, wheat seeds are too much. Period. This is the same thing as pumpkins - wheat farming officially makes more than melon farming (Just a reminder, melon farming makes 15k per hour maximum - if you can make more than $250 in one minute, I'd love to see you try - you're wrong.)
Oh and kuke, when you read this, please double check my testing. I think it's pretty accurate, but the more people that test this, the better.
Melon farming makes less now because of the nerf, then again wheat is perfect the way it is because of the amount of effort required (replanting harvesting). These prices are fine, -1
Does that mean I can have your melon sword for free? In case you've forgotten, they cost 1500 nstars. At server price, that's 225k. So something needs to change, because a fortune 3 tool is about 2k, and it makes MORE than melon farming if you have speed potions. It makes about the same as melon farming even if you DON'T have speed potions. If you don't believe me, I can show you ingame. Just pm me.
Auto-farm as in sem-auto farm? Like, water farm? I've tested that in the past, and the money you make from the extra seeds with fortune 3 makes up for the time you save with water. So that doesn't matter regardless
Greetings, I am at work and haven't checked today, but 2 days ago when I was wheat farming, seeds were only $0.10 each. Did the price suddenly increase?
Well it takes me about 1 minute to make 4.8k with my auto farm then another 2 minutes to fire a builder to replant
Haha yep. 25 cents now. So, that's exactly why the price has to go down. Wheat farming is now more than melons.
I'm curious as to your "rating" - why don't you like this? Do you think wheat should make more than melons?
I can make 16k/hr melon farming still and 15k/hr pumpkin farming. U just tested it u said and made 13k making it less than both. Also unlike midless melon and pumpkin farming wheat requires more activity and effort. -1
And how long does it take for it all to grow fully? Your numbers are correct, but you left out the part where wheat has to re-grow to full size before it can be farmed for full profit again.\ I will. Also, melonfarming can make up to 17k, not 15k. And pumpkin farming can make up to 14k, but doesn't require fly. Wheat farming requires fly to be actually profitable, so based on your calculations, that seems only fair. I will do some of my own testing shortly, though.
That's null and void. You didn't read my suggestion data carefully - I REPLANTED in those tests. And I really am getting irritated by the amount of people saying wheat requires work - I farmed about 500k worth of wheat (320k for a melon sword, 15k for resident and 85k for mayor and 75k for my first town portal) - it was all I did. TRUST me, it requires very little work when done correctly. Just get a 200 long piece of land (JUST like melons), and run straight down in a 1 block wide lane, chopping the wheat, then walk/run straight back planting it. It's holding down 2 things - Left click and forward - then switching and holding down 2 things - Right click and backward/forward. Don't tell me it's "work". It's hardly more work than melon farming.
Alright, cool. I have never been able to make more than $1050 in 4 minutes, no matter how hard I try, so I've never made more than 15750. However, I am very interested in seeing it done
I agree with kuke, if i didnt have fly, my profit with wheat farming would greatly decrease, as it is needed to fine tune the correct speed at which you harvest and plant, also you have to account the time it takes to change your speed unless you have the /powertool command. It was a well thought out suggestion and i give you +1 for that but at the same time -1 for not accounting all variables such as donation features and -1 for incorrect data on $/hr on other farmable items.