There are so many empty shops at the moment, and quite a few with very few items in them. Surely supply and demand would suggest that the price of shop go down until full and then obviously rise in price once again. I plan to open shop quite soon but it is kind of sad to see what is happening there.
The players who were all wanting to do shops have been banned or aren't able go get on or quit. If you want to have a shop, just pay the price.
You misunderstand me, paying 5000 a week is nothing, but before I open shop I intend to be well stocked. I was referring to keeping the shops a vibrant and exciting place to go to. Maybe a little extra management is needed in this area.
By management, I mean clear the shops not being used, maybe utilize those spaces for something that would attract more people. Host an event in the vacant spots until someone rents it out. have a "shop" lotto where the winner has a shop free for one month. it could be anything. If someone buys something at one of the shops there could be a lucky prize etc. I love this server I am just trying to be constructive.
Here is my perspective on empty spaces and shops with no inventory...its a WIN WIN for me. I keep my shop pretty well stocked so I have less competition for my items. I think my prices are competitive. I think some people buy shops and hold on to them as an investment waiting for the economy to get better and some have been banned and so forth. I think if people pay their 5000 a week and not stock their shelves that's their business. I believe there is a rule that states you have to have so many signs up but I don't remember exactly how many. The problem I am seeing is everyone is selling but not that many buying. Maybe that is just my issue not sure. Don't get me wrong I do sell items but I do way more stocking of money into signs for people selling than I do stocking products for people buying. You can hemorrhage a ton of money in a hurry buying items. I wanted a shop really bad and now that I have it it can sometimes be a pain but I will figure it out. I wish you lots of success and hope you sell a lot.
Honestly, i love this idea, well the idea has given me some positive thinking into looking into using the space until they are rented out, I will pass this onto hopefully a staff discussion As i for one would like to see the shop area 'renovated' and back in full swing.
My two cents worth: I am a shop owner, and in the past months, I've noticed goes. I think there are far too many shops. Too many shops, many of which are stagnant or nearly so, don't contribute to an economy. I think fewer shops would weed out those who don't have the time, to keep them up. (Most really have no idea how much time you spend on a shop, and it makes for some ill stocked or, just plain un-utilized shops. I notice my sales slowing. I have tons of stuff at good prices, but it's not moving, and there should be more stuff going on. Which leads me to another point: I think there are too many resources, and those resources are too easy to get. I know I have tons of stuff that I am just storing because I simply can't sell it. Too many people are taking their stuff to the auctions and realizing very little for their products. Economy is fueled by supply and demand, and so no demand=no sales. No sales=no money moving through. No sales=no profit. Rent comes due, and sometimes I find myself dumping commodities at super low prices just to make my rent. NOTE: I AM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT MY RENT FOR MY SHOP. I just wish there was a way to generate more sales. I have a town on which I have a very small farm. Sadly, that very small farm more than supplies much of my stock. If everyone can farm, and mine, then they don't need what I sell. Takes us back to too many resources, too easy to get. In a realistic economy, there are the farmers/manufacturers (and in ECC there would be miners as well) They sell their goods/services to wholesalers/distributors, who in turn sell it to merchants who sell it to the public. That not only does not happen here, but most of us who are merchants, can acquire our own stuff by mining, or farming it. We miss an entire segment of the economy chain this way. I don't have answers. I'm not advocating anything. My opinions are my own. Zeldamerchant, Station #73, yellow road
I like the idea to remove the shops that are not restocked and just sitting there, owned by an inactive person
I hear what you say. In my limited experience it seems that auctioning has taken a hard toll on shop owners. It needs some deep thinking but I would imagine limiting what you can auction might help the situation. Buying stuff through auctions is so quick and easy whereas you can it can take you up to 20 minutes to find what you are looking for at the spawn shops. Having a centralized shop inventory search engine might help. For example, if you search for birch wood a list of all the shops with birch wood in stock appears. This could be a really cool donation feature.
@Greylith @JamieSinn i would be SOOOO happy if the search thing came into place! i would TOTALLY buy it! thx greylith for suggesting it and thx jamie if you made this!
So, as I understand it, you want something like /shop that searches all the available shops, looking for shops with a specific item in it? Or is it something like you would do /shopsearch <itemid/alias> and it would return a list of shops that have that itemid in stock? I'm pretty sure this is doable with a plugin, but I would like a bit of info from KH about how to hook into essentials while looking for trade sign's and their contents. Also, this would not be a small plugin or feature, I have a few ideas of how to do it, I'll talk to jakey about this. @Gernen - Where would this likely go in terms of donation feature? Where do you suggest?
I was thinking about this the other day actually (I spent quite a bit of time just aimlessly flying around the market). Part of me feels like it would make sense to reduce the number of shops. This of course can be changed again in the future. Thoughts?
@Dewsy92 I agree, Limit the shops numbers down so that they are always full and easier to navigate, re-order the numbers, Maybe even a complete redesign to try and make more footfall go through these shops, My ideal world would be to have them inside the spawn area, but i am not sure if this is possible as there are so many things at the current spawn as it is. Although you could possibly have it in the corner for 'future development' and then you can have 2 mini markets (Rising & Legacy)
Hi all, I must give the possible inventory locator concept further thought. Off the cuff I would not suggest that any prices be listed, as it is a good thing for people to still browse. I personally think /shopsearch <itemid/alias> might be a better option. As for where to slot it in as far a a donation feature goes, I'd possibly add it on to teleport or create a whole new donation feature with some other developmental ideas that might be brewing. Just my personal opinion.
Great idea! It would really help spur competition among merchants if prices could also be listed. Yes, things would get crazy for a while, but as with all great innovations, things would level out and stabilize after the "new" wears off.