IGN: RyanBlocks2 Suggestion: Raise melon price to $2.5 - $3 Reason: An effV sword costs over 250k and makes less farming than an eff5 axe on pumpkins
You think that spending 250k on a fancy sword should make less money than using an 8k axe and speed potions!
No. I don't see anyone complaining about melon prices anymore since they are significantly higher than everything else. Melons make more than 15K and hour and with melons at $2.50- $3.00, the rarity of melon swords would drop. Also, I'm assuming you don't have a melon sword. You don't have to spend 200K, only if you want to. After months of melon farming, you'll have enough money to make up everything you used to get the sword.
I have the melon sword myself! and It is 300k plus all the time getting the stars for it. I agree with some of your points and it makes sense lee, but my opinion is too biased to fight on this one.
Personally i think it should stay the same Altho the pay is about the same as pumps pumps take a lot more work More focus More e repairs Speed potions Raising melons would give rich players too much of an advantage Edit* I do however feel that all forms of farming should be equal. I agree with a price raise but only 5-25 cents or so
If you were to give a broken eff5sword to someone to have them repair it, wouldn't you think that they had repairs?