President Only Town Project - PresTown Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revanrose6, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    This thread is for PresTown, the new addition to the Presidents Only Town Nation. I am the Vice-President of these towns and have been given instructions to find staff for PresTown. I will be making several poll/application threads. Please feel free to fill them out.

    Current Staff of PresTown:

    President: Rikari88
    Vice-President: Revanrose6
    Mayor: (To Be Decided)​
    Co-Mayor: (To Be Decided)​
    Officers: (To Be Decided)​

    Positions Available
    Mayor - 1

    Mayor Guidelines
    1. Do not remove any members without first consulting Revanrose6 or Rikari.

    2. Do not assume this position puts you above server rules.

    3. You are not a moderator. While maintaining your town is essential, let the moderators do their jobs.

    4. Always assist a user when necessary and be sure to have a collection of stuff for the town in case of structure loss or damage due to griefing.

    5. You are the mayor of the town you applied for. This does not mean that you are above the other town's co-mayor or officers. You must abide by their rules as well.

    6. Any rules you make within the town are allowed but must first be run by either me or revan. Town building plans or changes to the town are totally up to you. If revan or I do not agree with anything you do, you must listen to us not because we are moderators but because you work for us.

    Co-Mayor -1

    Co-Mayor Guidelines
    1. You work for your Mayor. You have as much privileges as the mayor minus removing or adding members. You do, however, have the power to make big decisions within the town UNLESS YOUR MAYOR SAYS OTHERWISE. Your mayor may make his own rules to run the town.

    2. If there are any issues you cannot take care of yourself, please use the chain of command. Your mayor is your first contact and if you cannot get help from them, you can come to revan or I.

    3. You are in charge of the officers. You must assist them in any way you can. This does not mean they have to listen to you.

    Officers - 2

    Officer Guidelines

    1. Your job is to assist members in the town when needed (such as in the case of griefing or trolling). You are not a moderator, and with that said, you must let the moderators know if there is any issues you cannot handle yourself. Let the moderators do their jobs.

    2. You work under the co-mayor. While they cannot tell you what to do, it is ideal that you work together. The co-mayor can influence the mayor and up to relinquish you of your position and give it to someone more willing to do your job.

    Guidelines For All
    This is most important. I understand some things rise up and people get annoyed with each other and you're all working together to accomplish one goal. That is to make our towns a peaceful and working community of president+ ranks. I ask all of you to please work together and get along with each other. We (revan and I) will not tolerate those who try to work against our cause. Please be sure you are willing to work with everyone and be friendly with them all. By applying for a position you automatically agree to this.

    Thank you for applying and I hope for the best out of everyone. This isn't a competition for a higher rank. We will cycle officer ranks in the future and might go beyond that so everyone has a chance to contribute.

    I will update this when each has been decided on and will post the links for each application thread here:

    Mayor Application Thread:
    #1 Revanrose6, Apr 29, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
  2. MattBrpQc

    MattBrpQc EcoMaster
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    i would like to apply for the rank of mayor, when there is an official format i shall apply.