President Only Town HT Applications

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SerRikari, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. SerRikari

    SerRikari Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hello everyone,

    As some of you may know, we now have TWO towns. YAY :D

    So as we have these two towns, we also need to split up the towns' staff ranks. This means we will now be considering 2 mayors, 2 co-mayors and 4 officers, 2 per town. revan and I decided to split up responsibilities between the towns so she will be taking care of the new president town addition called PresTown and I will be taking care of HalloweenTown. Of course, this still means we both run both towns and will continue to run additions to the official president only town.

    So to get things started, the positions available will be listed as well as a format for our application process. Mine most likely will be different than revan's format giving us more variety to work with.

    Positions Available
    Mayor - 1

    Mayor Guidelines
    !. Do not remove any members without first consulting revan or I.

    2. Do not assume this position puts you above server rules.

    3. You are not a moderator. While maintaining your town is essential, let the moderators do their jobs.

    4. Always assist a user when necessary and be sure to have a collection of stuff for the town in case of structure loss or damage due to griefing.

    5. You are the mayor of the town you applied for. This does not mean that you are above the other town's co-mayor or officers. You must abide by their rules as well.

    6. Any rules you make within the town are allowed but must first be run by either me or revan. Town building plans or changes to the town are totally up to you. If revan or I do not agree with anything you do, you must listen to us not because we are moderators but because you work for us.

    Co-Mayor -1

    Co-Mayor Guidelines
    1. You work for your Mayor. You have as much privileges as the mayor minus removing or adding members. You do, however, have the power to make big decisions within the town UNLESS YOUR MAYOR SAYS OTHERWISE. Your mayor may make his own rules to run the town.

    2. If there are any issues you cannot take care of yourself, please use the chain of command. Your mayor is your first contact and if you cannot get help from them, you can come to revan or I.

    3. You are in charge of the officers. You must assist them in any way you can. This does not mean they have to listen to you.

    Officers - 2

    Officer Guidelines

    1. Your job is to assist members in the town when needed (such as in the case of griefing or trolling). You are not a moderator, and with that said, you must let the moderators know if there is any issues you cannot handle yourself. Let the moderators do their jobs.

    2. You work under the co-mayor. While they cannot tell you what to do, it is ideal that you work together. The co-mayor can influence the mayor and up to relinquish you of your position and give it to someone more willing to do your job.

    Guidelines For All
    This is most important. I understand some things rise up and people get annoyed with each other and you're all working together to accomplish one goal. That is to make our towns a peaceful and working community of president+ ranks. I ask all of you to please work together and get along with each other. We (revan and I) will not tolerate those who try to work against our cause. Please be sure you are willing to work with everyone and be friendly with them all. By applying for a position you automatically agree to this.

    Application Format
    Mayor Application Format

    [b]Times you are on (with timezone) and amount of time played daily:[/b]
    [b]As a mayor, it is important to understand the idea of leadership skills.  What type of leadership skills do you have that could help our president towns?:[/b]
    [b]Give an example of your leadership skills in your daily life (clubs, organizations, team coach, babysitting skills):[/b]
    [b]We have a strong standing on teamwork and communication.  We believe both these things are vital to running a town.  As your president/vice-president of the town, you must be sure to follow our simple teamwork guidelines so that we can create a much better atmosphere for our members.  Do you understand our teamwork guidelines and vow to follow them wholeheartedly and agree that if these guidelines are not followed, action can be taken against you?:[/b]
    Co-Mayor Application Format
    [b]Times you are on (include timezone) and amount of time played daily:[/b]
    [b]As a co-mayor, you must have leadership skills and be able to apply them when needed.  As you run the officers of the town, you must be efficient and effective with them.  Give an example of a situation that could arise in our town and how you would effectively fix it:[/b]
    [b]Give an example of your leadership skills in your daily life (clubs, organizations, team coach, babysitting skills):[/b]
    [b]The co-mayor's job is important.  Communication with your mayor and your team is important as well.  Remember, we have a chain of command.  Anything you need to report should go through your mayor first.  Do you understand our teamwork guidelines and vow to follow them wholeheartedly and agree that if these guidelines are not followed, action can be taken against you?:[/b]
    Officer Application Format
    [b]Times you are on (include timezone) and amount of time played daily:[/b]
    [b]As the town's officer, you must abide by your co-mayor/mayor's rules.  As a citizen of the town, you do not have to abide by your co-mayor's demands as long as it's not against the rules of the town or the rules of the server.  You also have the responsibility to look over the town and protect the members you look over.  Tell us one thing that would make you a perfect fit for the officer position and if you're able to take commands from a higher up:[/b]
    [b]Give an example of your leadership skills in your daily life (clubs, organizations, team coach, babysitting skills):[/b]
    [b]Like the co-mayor, it is important that you practice good communication skills.  Your co-mayor is the person you should report to immediately if there is any issues within the town.  If you cannot contact them, contact your mayor or president/vice-president.  Remember, you are not a moderator and if there is something you should report to a mod, do so first.  Do you understand our teamwork guidelines and vow to follow them wholeheartedly and agree that if the guidelines are not followed, action can be taken against you?:[/b]

    Thank you for applying and I hope for the best out of everyone. This isn't a competition for a higher rank. We will cycle officer ranks in the future and might go beyond that so everyone has a chance to contribute.
    #1 SerRikari, Apr 29, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
  2. Harryhaz1

    Harryhaz1 RIP Lava sponge.
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Harryhaz1!
    Age: 15!
    Times you are on (with timezone) and amount of time played daily: around 4-8 hours a day (GMT+10)
    As a mayor, it is important to understand the idea of leadership skills. What type of leadership skills do you have that could help our president towns?: sure...

    Give an example of your leadership skills in your daily life (clubs, organizations, team coach, babysitting skills):um... general awe inspiring awesomness??

    We have a strong standing on teamwork and communication. We believe both these things are vital to running a town. As your president/vice-president of the town, you must be sure to follow our simple teamwork guidelines so that we can create a much better atmosphere for our members. Do you understand our teamwork guidelines and vow to follow them wholeheartedly and agree that if these guidelines are not followed, action can be taken against you?: ahuh

    Watcha mean i'm not mod! ahem! look at the rank buddy!
    #2 Harryhaz1, Apr 29, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
  3. MattBrpQc

    MattBrpQc EcoMaster
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: MattBrpQc
    Age: 17
    Times you are on (with timezone) and amount of time played daily: I am in the Eastern Standard timezone (-5) EST
    Monday: 3-4 hours
    Tuesday: 3-4 hours
    Wednesday: 3-4 hours
    Thursday: 3-4 hours
    Friday: 3-9 hours
    Saturday: All day usually, and all night :p (10+ hours)
    Sunday: I try to play all day so 5-8 hours
    As a mayor, it is important to understand the idea of leadership skills. What type of leadership skills do you have that could help our president towns?: My leadership skills are shown through the work that I do on the server, I am able to make calm collective decisions and lead a group on so that they will be guided and well put in the society of ECC, I believe that in order to achieve a goal you sometimes need a leader, I try to fill this position and in the past I have been able to do so. One example is when I had to lead a group through the survival games to help make sure they all survived, we all did. then on group member killed us all :). The point is that I lead them to victory, using my leadership skills. In president town I feel that I would be able to help everyone in case of a problem in terms of plot relocation or whatever else might be needed, such as for instance, someone decided to grief or what the town rules are. Just because we are all presidents doesn't mean there isn't a bad apple somewhere...
    Give an example of your leadership skills in your daily life (clubs, organizations, team coach, babysitting skills): During the year, I am head of the robotics team, we build a robot that is also designed by us to do a certain number of tasks and is controlled by a remote control. Last year we came in 6th place, out of 23 schools and this year we placed 8th out of a total of 29 schools. So, I would say that being able to lead my team to a high spot like that is pretty good, especially considering the fact that most of the team captains were experts at robotics.
    We have a strong standing on teamwork and communication. We believe both these things are vital to running a town. As your president/vice-president of the town, you must be sure to follow our simple teamwork guidelines so that we can create a much better atmosphere for our members. Do you understand our teamwork guidelines and vow to follow them wholeheartedly and agree that if these guidelines are not followed, action can be taken against you?: Yes, I do and understand completely.