Okay, so here's my problem.. I'm not exactly sure how it happened. Two days ago I bought Residency (15k ECD) so yesterday I spent all day trying to make money back. By the end of the night last night I was back up to 13k. However, when I got back on this morning I only had $240? I was also missing some diamonds and a couple tools. At this point I'm just worried about the money. I spoke with Jakey (super mod) just a short time ago, but he said he wasn't sure about it. Nobody else should have access to my MC account. I've never shared the information with anybody. I have also never let anybody else play on the profile. I hope this can be resolved; any help is appreciated! Thanks! ArisenBatman (a.k.a. Alan)
I can confirm that this user came to me about this situation and assured me that no one else has had access to their account. I was unable to think of what would have happened to the money this user had.
The problem is that money is handled separately from inventories, as well as the fact that bugs generally will wipe everything in sight. The only two options I can honestly think of that could have happened: Minecraft account was logged in by another person; visible by IP logs. Player data was corrupted, and possibly swapped with another player's by accident; visible by another player having the same issue, though mostly invisible otherwise In any case, please change your minecraft password and make sure to do a virus-scan or so. Also, make sure to clear your minecraft of any mods not acquired from MCForums, PMC, or other large communities; they have a tendency to contain RATs that will take your login information. I'm sorry this had to happen to you, but I'll be willing to chip in some money for you if needed. It's a shame when these things happen.
I wouldn't expect players to pay for my issues, unless they were in some way involved with the incident. I don't play with any mods, and I have changed my password. Thanks for your insight. I'm just hoping that I can get some relief/help from a higher power.
Just FYI: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/t...-then-next-day-gone-to-10k.50404/#post-236391 andrewkm: Money doesn't simply go missing on ECC. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/bugged-lotto.58787/#post-281002 andrewkm: 1. Money doesnt go missing and our plugins don't scam you. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/solved.46834/#post-219110 http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/balance-loss.38553/#post-177076 andrewkm: Money doesn't just go missing on ECC http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/lost-2-5-k-randomly.39974/#post-184805 andrewkm: Money doesn't randomly disappear. I think andrewkm's views are clear at this point.
1. I'm not filing a false report. 2. I will respect andrew's views. 3. I'm not blaming the server at all. 4. I'm just stating what I have observed and being truthful/respectful. My money is gone and I know that I didn't spend it. 5. I am posting this thread just to see if there are any options for help. It never hurts to ask.
Greetings, I did not mean to imply that I thought you were being dishonest. I truly hope that you find out what happened, and if it was a rollback or "Oops, we double charged you for resident." or something, then I hope you get reimbursed. I do not speak for andrew; I just wanted to be clear that he has a clear stance on these types of reports. He seems to get kind of annoyed when you 'forget' you bought lottery tickets or a maxed pick and broke it. I have no idea what happened to the money, and I just wanted you be absolutely sure before you pressed it further. To put it another way: After seeing the sun come up day after day, I kind of expect it to come up tomorrow. It may surprise me and fail to show, but after many years, I can kind of predict what the outcome of the sun rising/not rising will be. With that said, I wish you the best.
Emau Okay, thanks for clarifying. I wasn't trying to come off as rude either, I just wasn't sure how to take your post. Thanks for the concern.
Please pardon the double post here. I spoke with my brother.. he finally admitted to getting on last night after I went to bed. He claims that he was just trying to help me... -.- He said it's not the first time that he has used my profile. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.