I am starting a new farm in a town (Nobleville), and I don't know what to put in it. However, I have narrowed it down to 2 crops - the carrot, and the potato. Which one is better for selling to the server? Which one gives more money? Please vote above. Also, thanks in advance .
for those who say carrots i would like to hear a reason. both carrots and potatoes sell for the same but potatoes can be cooked for xp which seems like an advantage to me.
Carrots, if farmed with fort3, drop more crops. more crops = more money. however, as potatoes can be baked and thus give exp, and exp can be sold = more money than the base crop.
Hey there I am vilager of your town! Why dont you make a pumpkin or melon farm? I dont really thing people will stay to replant! Also i would prefer Wheat! You can sell 1.5 each on server (As i rememper) but i dont know about baked potatos