This guy gave me flowers and a ton of them... then i went into Reznol's store and saw a bunch of greif and the flowers on his store ground were all gone! I out some of the flowers back but then got Larsphee and he told me to keep the rest. I dont know if he stole the flowers or not... So check out Reznols store and stuff. yes, you will find traces of me because if the flower incident. The guy that gave me the flowers name was absentparachute. So, he may be greif suspect but I dont really know. tso I have flowers no but please check out Reznol's store. (i also found a tunnel under the bookshelf in the store.) BLTwitch and I were looking around but that is what we found. thanks!
Even though Rez's store is easily found, he could always have multiple.. Always add co-ords to grief reports. :b