Minecraft Username: Joliver1998 Brief Description: I used /fly today instead of the CJB mods. I did /fly and I jumped from a tall building in Skylexia's town. I took no damage. I did that several times then I decided to turn /fly off and jump. I died. This may not be a bug, but I didn't think that the /fly command should take away fall damage. Instructions: do /fly in any other place than spawn. Go to the top of a building an jump. No damage taken. Now fly back up to the top of the building and do /fly again and jump, damage taken. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Several times. Result: I don't take fall damage. Expected Result: Die/take damage when I jumped. Evidence: No evidence. Just try it in game. Again, I don't know if this is a bug or how you would like it to function. Just thought I would report it anyways.
This bug has been around since /fly was added. Not sure if it can be fixed... but I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional. xD
I've always taken fall damage if I haven't typed in /fly to activate it. If I type /fly it says something like (fly mode enabled for MattSirBait) and I can fall from the highest point in the sky and take no damage. But if I fly up there and then type /fly again, it disables it and I would die once I fell to the ground. I always active /fly even though all I use is CJB. It is kind of weird though...