Minecraft Name: Djtsex Suggestion: Re-adding the signs that say what level you are on of the portal room Reason: Find it very difficult and harder to find specific town portals. Just will make life easier and harder to get lost. Any Other Information: Example: I used to tell people "go to portal room __th floor ____ row" now much harder to direct people to your towns portal. Link To This Plugin:
I agree this should be re-added, especially for the new players, lets say I join Ecocitycraft, and I purchase a plot in a town that has a portal, however i dont set my home, the mayor would normally tell me what floor the portal is on, however due to the signs being removed i have no way of getting back to my plot, this can lead to confusion, aswell as users getting upset, and possibly quiting the server, Please Re-Add!
+1 Totally need the floor signs. People ask me the same question "george where is the portal to your town?" and I used to reply saying "It is on floor 16, on the opposite side of where the lift signs are facing on the red line." but now I need to personally show them or they will pm me every 1 minute saying they can not find it.