Due to multiple incidents happened in the last few hours by builders who made a huge pit surrounding the portal gate, which causes many users to fall and lose their items, i would hope there is protection surrounding the portal gates. It is because this causes many users to lose their items especially for the builders who are new to the server. They farm/mine hard and eventually lost all their items just by those users who purposely make a huge pit, and need to start all over again. If possible, I would also like to request that the items which is lost by users which fall into the pit and died, to have the items returned to them, especially for the builders as they are new to the server. - NelsonLim
I like this idea, but it's very tough returning EVERY single item to them, near impossible. I would love this too happen too the portals.
Just a 5*5 unbreakable area around the portal would fix this problem. I do like the idea of random portals though, it means people can spread out more.
The protections are a hassle to make and the portal drop locations change every week (going based on what cactus told me), so I doubt this will happen.