Minecraft Name: SRH86 Suggestion: No more pork chops for voting. Or at least reduce the number to 2-8 per vote. Reason: As much as I love getting 32 free pork chops a day, I have to say that without free chops the market for bread and melon slices would grow substantially. I play three to four hours a day and I still have a large stockpile of chops in my food chest. I feel bad for the builders who offer one bread for $6.50. I would purchase it from them if I had a need for food. Other Information: Maybe instead of pork chops voting could give $250 and one Iron Ingot. Or $225 and three iron ingots. I'm sure some people will be against this idea, but I think for the sake of adding another market, it makes a lot of sense. The food selling business would grow leaps and bounds.
Not iron ingots as they are a mined item and not renewable... how about something similar to the kit starter but only a few charcoal (or coal) a few wood and 1 porkchop?
I think just increasing the pay from voting a bit and lowering the amount of meat. Mobs are, in a sense, "scarce" now, so voting is a major way for new users to get some easy, free food they in normal Minecraft could get in a couple minutes for no cost. Or switch the voting food around every month/couple weeks, so no one food is overabundant from voting.