Please Read BEFORE Voting.I know that many of you are saying "What about ______" Well I think that if it is a town andrew could possibly save the old (Current) map and transfer towns to those who request it. There are a number of old players who nolonger play and have left Giant 200x200 pits/wastelands/flatland where almost noone can build or work with. I understand that this is why the map was expanded but it still seems crowded. I think that some of the Iconic ECC towns should be saved like the Pixle art galleries and possibly some other inactive/banned towns but because the map is getting crowded and greifed we are running out of options for space. There are so many people that have left the server with 1-9 towns still in place, empty, wating for an owner that may never come back. It is waiting for something that will never come back, I know that this may be controversial but please do consider it @Andrewkm
Yes it has been posted many times but as the map gets more crowded the more annoying it gets. it is now almost impossible to place even 4 towns next to eachother, many users that were Mayors+ have been banned or have left the server.
I am definently for this, despite having several amazing things built. It would be nice, maybe this is what andrew should do: for a week beforehand open up applications (lets say 100k for now) to tranfer a town to the new world. He will then shut down aether/nether and run TWO mainworlds. Transfer all towns to a corner of the map, have them explore next day and choose location, move towns. Done.
Andrew has talked about getting rid of the towns that have mayors who've been inactive for a period (2 months i think).
Making a new world I don't think is the right way to go. I'd think towns with inactive mayors before any major construction began, should be unprotected. For towns with construction in them that were once active, or even just have a few remaining members should auctioned off to an active mayor/president to save what is left of it. For towns like the pixel gallery that have a lot of work and are important to the server, leave them how they are as public areas where people can enjoy them. While I know his won't happen, I can almost guarantee that the main world would be reset due to the work lost on the user end, and the work it would create on Andrew's end.