As some of you may know, I am the current owner of the hall of fame. (Check original thread for details). At this time, I have a lot going on and am not able to stay as active as I wan to be on the server, and I am even having trouble staying up to date with the forums too. So I have made the decsion to hand over the hall of fame to a more active player. If you are interested in owning the hall, post why you think you would be a good manager* below. There are however, a few requirements. You must be a mayor or higher. (If a mayor, you must have been one for atleast 3 monthes) You must be active on the server. You cannot modify the hall in any way. Being in the hall will improve your chances. *I will still "own" the hall, you will just be incharge of adding/ removing people (following the previously stated rules in other thread).
Lol, if you can't find anyone to take over, I'd be more than willing to, I'm active, trusted, and I fill every checkbox in your requirements : D
If you need help with that, I can handle it. I meet almost all your requirements, I'm just missing to be in it.
I would love to take on this challenge! I would be a great manager because I am a leader and I know how to control towns! I am the older of 2 boys in real life. I always lead and encourage my little brother to do as I would! Although I am not in your "Hall of Fame"... I would love to be as soon as possible! Thank you!
lol... I am even too inactive to pay attention to this thread. I will pick someone this weekend. It is primarily between Harry, Jamie, and Fleety. Harry is very active, well known, but I don't know him very well. Fleet is active (to my knowledge), in the hall, and I kinda know him. Jamie is pretty active, a veterain of the server, and I probably know him the most. To everyone else, please let me know if you are interested, or even vouch for Harryhaz1 JamieSinn or Fleetfooter
I have an idea... JamieSinn Fleetfooter and Harryhaz1 can add people to the hall using a 2/3 majority vote (incase one of the others isn't on). Let me know guys if you are interested.
That seems like a good idea, then the power is split and there are no hard feelings towards the 'owner' of the Hall of Fame.
Congratulations to Fleet, Harry, and Jamie for making it into the council. I will be talking to each of you in game to discuss what your job is. Moderator please lock.