Do we need Pistons, without them, I feel redstone.......deprived in a way. The best idea I can think of without pistons is a shower? What about you?
Pistons will never be added back to ECC, it is unfortunate but there are too many ways to exploit them.
Not only this, but they cause lag, have exploits as said above, and can cause many problems with things like illegal player traps, breaking LWC's duplication items, and many other ways of causing problems with them.
They will never be added BACK to ecc because they were never in Ecc in the first place. I've played since Beta 1.5, I and right away in 1.6-1.7 they were disabled :3
Well....that went south quick...I don't think it went "south". It just didn't go north.Well....If you put it that way.....