Minecraft Username:FuriuosGeorge Brief Description:Can't change Pet data like type for cat Instructions: 1. do /pet cat:calico 2. cry when you get just the generic black and white cat. 3. try /pet meun 4. select the type option. 5. pick the type you want. 6. repeat step 2. 7. sit in the corner and eat worms. How many times did you recreate this?: more than 10 trying to get my cat to look like my previous baby. Result:Cat doesn't look like it should Expected Result:cat should look like the type you specified Evidence:
Looks like several of the pets with variants/colors are having issues PetCat Unable to change cat variant Unable to change collar color unless you first select a state such as Sit/Tamed Pet Wolf Unable to change collar color unless you first select a state such as Angry/Tamed Pet Llama Unable to change llama color Unable to select carpet color PetHorse Unable to change horse color Unable to change horse markings
added a hotfix for all of those for next maintenance/testing session; except the collars, those appear to work as expected here, noting that they have to be tamed to have collars