Thread title: Payable heal signs Minecraft Name: pilot3101 Your In-game Minecraft Name. Suggestion: Make payable heal signs by our plugin that we have. It is very possible and easy, you would apply for the heal sign for free and receive it for free and you (skylexia and andrewkm) would come to the cords and do this on the sign first line: [Heal] second line: $450. Meaning everytime you click the sign to be healed, it takes 450$ from you. This would help so you don't have to have all the money at one time. The price of it can vary. It was just a example. This is how I think the application should look like: [Heal sign application] What is your IGN?: What is the name of your town?: Please provide a link to the original town owners app.: What are the coords?: X: Y: Z: Applications are handled once every 1-7 days (meaning once a week). Constantly asking/posting for your app to get done wont speed up the process. D you understand this?: What are you suggesting? Same as above Reason: Why do you think this is a good addition for EcoCitycraft? Please be as detailed as possible. It would help users out. They wouldn't have to have all the money at one time, instead they could pay a price each time to use it. Other Information: Any other information we should know about this suggestion. Yes link is here: that is the link to what the plugin is. This I think is also helpful: Link to this plugin:
Okay, as always, before I say anything, Andrew only accepts open source plug-ins. Try github. Anyway, I'm confused, this sign is put up for free, and just charges you per heal? Gotta say I don't like it. I don't want to carry my money around every time I want to use this sign. I payed a ton for it, let me use it. And it's more expensive in the long run to pay the sign every time. I'm not sure of the current price of heal signs (I think it's 40k) but after a hundred heals then it would cost tons more then if I just bought it all in one go.
That's why I said the price can change. I only said four hundred and fifty dollars because that was a example.
Well… I feel I must make a suggestion for this suggestion. For one, I disagree with the suggestion as is. I agree that it would be more expensive over time no matter the price you put it at. Yet, I think that there is a different option. Lets say I pay the 40k for a heal sign. Most heal signs are used in PvP training areas or acro training and such. A lot of players charge like 5k to use the acro training area/pvp training zone. I suggest instead making it so the purchaser of the sign can instead charge money on the sign, if they chose. Basically, I apply for a heal sign, pay 40k, and then I can charge $5 per use. I realize that seems small, but if its too big, no one would use it. You could also apply to have the price changed. For example: Lets say I bought a 40k sign and charge $5 per use. The sign gets used 12,000 times. I have now made 60k off the sign. I can then turn around and apply to have it turned into a free sign again for 10k…. Its just a thought, but I think it would make more sense.
Why would you be against it? It is like a pay phone, the people buy the pay phone then people come and use it for a charge of money. I think that is a good idea because then the owner would get paid. Also maybe you some how would be able to change the prices of it? Depending on what the event is. Like a trade sign how you can break it and change the price. But make of where they can't make heal signs but somehow like modify the sign without having to remove the sign.
Na-uh... Please don't spread stuff like this, it's not true, for example the survival games was closed sourced for a very long time, that was why we couldn't fix bugs in it
Yes, we now use an open source version, but what do you mean by "and which is why he finally got fed up with it"
He got sick of having to report bugs to this guy who fixes them very slowly, when if he uses open source, he can just fix them himself and tweak it to ECC standards and ECC settings.
No... There was no open source in the first place... Then they release it as open source so we switched and fixed it ourself...
Perhaps I should re-word that, if your so happy to split hairs Andrew rarely accepts closed source plug-ins, try to find an open source one before any closed source ones.
Jason is correct, survival games just happened to be an exception because it was a popular plugin that would really benefit the server. But in general, andrew will NOT accept any closed source plugin, he even explicitly said it himself.