Minecraft Username: Matejake Brief Description: I try to kick a 2 months off player of my party and it get bugged. Instructions: 1. I do /party and I see the players in the party. 2. Then I do /party kick gustnav and it says: "gustnav has left your party". 3. Finally I check again in /party and he still inside. How many times did you recreate this bug?: I tried to kick him lot of times and I couldn't do it. Result: I have a ghost in my party. Expected Result: The expected result is that he leave the party, but no success. Evidence: ^^^I think this bar hide some info in the pics. If more evidences are needed let me know.^^^
The black imgur bar doesn't show, but I did like @MadMonster_ told me and "_Yumi_ is not in your party".
Kuke stated what should fix the problem - if the name with two underscores doesn't help either, try removing the actual UUID instead of the usernames.
What's the UUID? I think is the e.g. (1fsvsb-124tgvq2-124gfg4t-14g4t) but idk well. If it's that, how could I check it?
Please, I would like to solve this problem and I'm not receiving any other help. I don't want to leave my 10 lvls party. Ty
@Matejake using the link kuke posted to the namemc.com website for the user, there is a long jumble of letters and numbers below the name. Use that
I tried kicking the guy from the party for mate, and it keeps saying he left the party but he is still there
the only thing I can think of is when he/she logs in again next time they will either be gone or will be able to be kicked