Well... I have a question about parent-child regions since I heard it and just curious how it works... 1) Is it possible to make a town as a parent region and town plot as a child region? 2) Can Mayor able to manage or create a child region (ex. plots) within their town region?
This would be a great idea for a suggestion, as Suburb said. No idea how hard/easy it would be to implement though.
Hm, thanks for your answer, I guess I'll suggest it, soon. Well, ok then, I'll suggest it and hope that's possible to be implemented it. Thanks though.
No, parent-child regions were never used for towns. They are only used for event plots and spawnshops. [rant] The mayor would have to have to be GA+ (Although GA+ create regions I'm not sure if a GA can add child regions.). All towns are made using the WorldGuard plugin, and addon to WorldEdit, which as I said GA+ permissions. Allowing mayors to do it won't only be hard to code, but also difficult to deal with. Trolling mostly, I would expect. Or maybe stupidity like a region inception. None the less, I would at least expect this at president, or even tycoon (will also give a reason to want to rank up.) But once again, issues may ensue. Now onto the good sides of child regions: I often see builders trying to make a farm in their plot and asking for water. When someone tp's to them, they find out the mayor is offline and the builder doesn't get a placement. (and the donor doesn't get money, if he charges) This is easily solvable by making plot owners co-mayors of a child region, allowing them to add people as they wish. (also, great for plot sharing). What I also notice is annoyed mayors about people not following height restriction/no mining under town rule. Once again, easily solvable by child regions. Gives people no choice but to build as the rules require. Now obviously people will say they want child regions because no grief, but I can come up with plenty more creative uses for this rather than that. For example, you want to sell a house but don't want exterior edited? Just add a region inside the house, not including the walls! You want to spread the amount everyone harvests in your town equally? Just add different regions at each of the farming floors/zones. Of course this sounds like such a good idea, let's go back to one thing. It's WorldGuard. I'm not sure if its even possible to give only one command. Also, I am quite sure child regions are created just like regions, meaning nobody can control if someone creates a region out of town, or even an illegaly made town. Maybe underground to not be noticed? You get the point. TL;DR: There are many good reasons to add this, but it's too hard to control [/rant] Crap, I completely forgot this isn't a suggestion. But if someone makes one, read this.