In Game Name: GluuporWhat part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: OtherShort title for your suggestion: Rule change vague wording ...What are you suggesting: Make a change to the wording of this part of the "touchy subjects" section of the rules: "Should a staff member ask you to change a subject they feel is touchy and/or is causing the direction of chat to deviate towards an argument or flame war, you must drop the subject immediately." This is a bad wording to have since it may be interpreted differently by every single staff member. Since its expected from the players to follow rules that are set up they NEED to be straight forward and not vaguely worded. I guess its possible to just list any topic that is deemed inappropiate to talk about on this server. Its probably not that easy and set up in one day and also requires a lot of brainstorming and just cant be made up by a single person but i think its the right thing to work on since imo the wording as it is now is a good way to upset players.Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: straight forward rules are a good addition to ANY serverOther information: Plugin or custom addition: One suggestion per form: I Understand.
I personally feel that this is very clear exactly what needs to be done. I know that a lot of work and thought went into the rule stated here. It seems quite simple to me - Staff determines if a subject is causing a deviation in the chat and requests the subject be dropped. Drop subject - all good. Keep going - not so good. Simple and straight forward in my mind. We should also all keep in mind that even before requests, warnings, and punishments are given, there is most likely several staff members discussing this and making the decisions in the background - I think it would be very rare that issues this large are being dealt with by just one moderator - to keep confusion to a minimum, one moderator seems to stay the communicator. I am guessing the "lead" is the moderator that draws the short straw tl;dr Moderator asks for subject to be dropped. Dropped = good Not dropped = not good
well yea straight forward in what happens if you follow or dont follow the rules. but one day i may be talking about lets say alcohol in chat and the other day ill get warned for it... because two different staff members have 2 different opinions on "touchy subjects". i had days on here with certain staff members online where you could have civil discussion about pretty much anything ... and as long its civil imo its perfectly fine. then again on other days some "MOD EDIT" were online that deemed the lightest discussion to be flamwar'ish and asked people to drop it. the decision on which subject is touchy and which not and when a "flamewar" has started or is starting is the part of this rule that isnt straight forward but simply depending on the staff persons personal opinion. as for the part of several staff members discussing it: i point towards the other suggestion i made about higher up ranks or any staff making the decision shouldnt be making it out of game simply by what people tell them.
The thing with this is, you can’t “make it clear” by stating every single thing that is touchy or not because A) the list goes on and on as people come up with new things and people now get highly offended over the slightest thing. B) subjects may not start off touchy, however end up that way once someone is offended or complains. Just seems impossible to keep up with an ever changing list that will most likely miss some subjects. This is where the common sense rules comes into play. If you think it might start and uproar, don’t say it. If a mod simply asks you to drop it, drop it... doesn’t matter if you were allowed to talk about it the day before because the audience to your chat changes and the rule does say if the mod feels it’s too touchy and needs to be changed, they can request it. The problem I’m seeing is that when a staff member asks people to drop a subject, no one ever listens. I just seen a staff member say 4 times to drop a subject and still people continue and argue. People just need to listen and stop trying to prove their points in global. -1
i know that people get highly offended with pretty much everything theses days (tbf this also includes staff tho ) its down to the server what of that is actually wanted and what is not wanted on here. if stuff gets out of hand still theres temp mutes (yea i know staff on here doesnt mute which is stupid imo) the latter partly arises exactly due to the fact that sometimes topics are deemed ok and sometimes are deemed inappropiate so its hard for people to comprehend the outlaying of the rules.
When I re-wrote the guidelines earlier this year my goal was to have a general idea of hard-banned topics in global that Staff would need to watch for. The obvious, illegal drugs, illegal actions, porn, sex as well as racist and discriminatory discussion are things I felt I shouldn't be permitted at all. I also hoped to stress that discussions that may be considered touchy were to be monitored and shut down if they became highly inappropriate or uncivil, or asked to move to an appropriate channel, such as VIP. It is not easy to get a clear and definite idea of when this should happen Everyone does have a different idea of what is offensive or touchy, there are some discussions that are ok with certain people online, and sometimes that same discussion will always be flamey say during on-peak but not off-peak. This is not an easy rule to define. I personally did not enjoy every single conversation that happened in chat, but unless I could see it in general was making others in chat uncomfortable or things were getting uncivil that is when I would ask the conversation to be discontinued or in mild cases, moved to VIP. I do wish Staff would have a more flexible view on this area of the rules and rather than forcing us to talk about nothing just because it has the potential to be inappropriate, just enforcing a civil and appropriate chat. Everything has the potential to be inappropriate or flamey or uncivil, but really until it reaches that point, is it actually hurting anyone? So yes, perhaps the rule should read more along the lines "If a discussion in chat turns inappropriate, uncivil or has become an argument or flame-war, Staff then have the right to ask you to discontinue a topic. If they do so you must drop the topic immediately." Remove the label of "touchy" because its too general. Everything has the potential to be touchy.
Touchy subject rule altered to: If a discussion in chat turns inappropriate, uncivil or has become an argument or flame-war, Staff then have the right to ask you to discontinue a topic. If they do so you must drop the topic immediately. @STAFF-01 Moderator @STAFF-02 Super Moderator @STAFF-03 Game Admin @STAFF-04 Server Admin