On Permabans, Current Events, and Hellos

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mypolopony, Jun 15, 2020.

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  1. mypolopony

    mypolopony Builder
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    Mar 16, 2019
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    If you aren't bored (I am), you probably shouldn't even bother with this; elsewise, leggo!

    This is not at all meant to be a lecture, nor a condemnation. I only ask your honest thoughts. I think, maybe, it might yield something? This is out of hope, not indignation or personal animus. Seriously, bro, I love you guys / gals, I just wanna learn.

    Crazy shit has been happening these past few months. There's hella pandemics and people getting shot in the streets and. . . well I'm sure I don't know because I just (try and) play Eco City Minecraft all day. Wild.

    I hope all has been okay with you and the people you care about, and everyone on ECC.

    The past few weeks, I log on every other day and I chop way at some nether-stuffs, but it sucks not to talk to people. . . And I don't mean to be an asshole, I really don't.

    It might not affect you. Maybe it does, maybe you know someone who can't hug their grandmother, or who just wants to go out in the streets and protest, or has a personal story related or unrelated to the current environment.

    No matter what, you aren't alone. We got you.

    I don't want to invoke the current political atmosphere to my advantage, it just happens that

    0) We in America are going through some weird shit right now in regards to. . . uhh, everything
    1) Yeah, I am black [who cares]
    2) Yeah I love ECC [who cares]
    Yeah I often get banned for bad words which really confuses me, especially now, since those bad words are actually in our common vocabulary and I hear them every day
    4) I grew up in private schools with white folks, so I am trying to rectify that, and I understand, I really do
    5) People truly love other people. If you think otherwise, you are sorely mistaken.
    6) How can we appreciate and understand one another without thinking we're all trying to hurt one another, which, I promise you, we aren't
    7) What signifies having more or less C18H10N2O4?
    8) I really have no bad words in an environment that is, for better or worse, enraptured by what it's like to have more melanin than usual

    I think we're all starved for communication, I know I am. Living in San Francisco, we're not even allowed to really leave our apartments yet. I'm sorry that I don't have $80 to unmute myself for a bad word that I said. I'm trying to get my shit together to even pay my rent, and ECC is such an awesome getaway, for an hour or two, but it sucks not to be able to say hi to you all. And for the reason to be 'racial slurs' -- it definitely fucks with you. Or, it fucks with me, I should say.

    Anyway, I'm glad to at least be able to say hi on the forums, and please know I'm thinking of you all, as weird as that sounds, since I've only been on the server for a year or so. But I've had really happy connections with people, people who have helped me learn ECC, despite me being an idiot nearly most of the time; I appreciate it all, and you all, especially now.

    I didn't mean for any of this to be a polemic discourse or assert any kind of view over another, quite the opposite. I imagine to get potatoes thrown at me, that's okay, maybe I need to learn from that but. . . I just wanted to say hi.

    Please be well and always <3,

    loopomypny aka
    yyoomloppn aka
    lmypoopyno aka
    poplonyymo aka
    ynylmopoop aka
    omoypopyln aka
    ypyolnmoop aka
    pmloyopnoy aka


    P.S. Ohmaigosh, I likely should have proofread this once or twice more before posting it, yah? :/[/] #ototheotothef
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    #1 mypolopony, Jun 15, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  2. dgam02

    dgam02 ♫ Shitposting Ex-SA ♫
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  3. OlympiansAreGods

    OlympiansAreGods Building Fanatic
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    So what I got from this was that you created this thread in hopes that you would - as an exception, get unmuted because 'racial slurs' are

    a) part of every day vocabulary?
    b) you're black?
    c) The current situation in America allows you to say it?
    d) you didn't mean to harm anyone so the stuff you said is exempt from the rules?

    So... therefore - following that logic, it is justified to say said words which you clearly know are against the rules with your extensive history?


    I hate to be the jerk but time after time, you've been banned or muted for some really stupid shit. Permamutes don't happen lightly, this was a long time coming.

    Everyone else has to pay the money, and you should too. If you can't pay it yourself, there is always the option of paying it through ECD/USD exchange... Why should you get an exception when no other user has?
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    #3 OlympiansAreGods, Jun 15, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  4. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
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    Just because you say the Nword at school, at home, at work, or anywhere else doesn't mean you can use it on our services, and neither does being one race or another. If it did, then we'd basically have to let people run rough-shot over the rules about racial slurs because all they'd have to do is say "its okay im xyz i can say that," even when we KNOW they're not.

    $80 is between $640,000 - $800,000 ecd. That's not something insurmountable to achieve, especially when there are people out there trying to sell hundreds of dollars in giftcards at this very moment. Hell, you could probably get a loan to get unmuted; and at pretty reasonable rates. That's fine, but letting you off for continual problems in chat because many of us are still stuck in our houses is stupid. One-time exceptions never stay one-time.
  5. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Stop wasting space in my database with these threads. Buy an unmute and learn your lesson finally.
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