I heard of this thing called a macro and I want one that can give me my sg kits!!!! Can someone give me a link?
I doubt one exists, though that would be nice. I'm glad that I was able to help you learn about the existence of macros!
One does exist. I have a button that spawns in all my kits for me. Not home currently so I can't send it to you, but ask around and im sure someone will show you how to make one.
If you have powertools, you can /pt your kit commands so when you click on the sign, it gives you your kits. Not sure it still works; I remember @ModernPerils giving me the idea a while back when macros were in limbo.
I could make one that automatically gives you all your sg kits when you join an sg game... But I hate kits so I won't.
I think this would work.. Code: $${ LOG("Giving kits....") DO; ECHO("/kit insert kit here"); WAIT(3) ECHO("/kit insert kit here"); WAIT(3) ECHO("/kit insert kit here"); WAIT(3) ECHO("/kit insert kit here"); WAIT(3) }$$
From putting them all on the one line? like /kit bfr,miq,pf,vsg,hnt,spy ? (idk if I got the kit names right and idc because kits are for nubs)