i consider if you have been playing ecc over a year ago, you are an oldie, that's just me, other ppl might say older. well, any way, idk why i'm posting this, just saying hi i guess and if you are an oldie you should comment (aka playing for over a year) and hopefully i will remember you. you prob wont remember Starleana 'cause i was LoLo16 but i have my own account now. (i do NOT use that account) so.. yeah... lol the good old days with the cactus gods and the indoor spawn. i can remember jetscat, jwpwns, tkick, mackbmx123, diselrabbit, goldenarmor12, tommy_t, um... sorry if i forget some of you... i just remember these ppl 'cause i talked to them and stuff! OH and of course andrewkm and wewinagain lol xD so yeah. if i see your name i might remember.
I've only been playing for about 10 months, and so have you it looks like (on your current account). I don't remember a indoor spawn but I remember wewin as a game admin and kuke and [Banned user] having a giant lotto war right before kuke became a president again.
An oldie in my books is over a year and a half on ecc, an original is one of 20 people who played when ecc wad either private, or on the first or second map,(we are on map 5 or 6) as for me, I have been here about 1 year 8months by my forum date, and 2 years by the private server opening.
sorry shrink i totes forgot about you! sorry D: lol pub, i remember you too! harry, your an oldie, right? i kinda remember you back then... sorry dont recognize some other people
I have been on a year but I don't regard myself as an oldie. I never talked to all these people everyone lists, I generally don't remember them.
I joined early March a year ago. A week or two after my forum join date. Then in May I became mod. Nearly 1 year as a part of ECC Staff!