Minecraft Username: @nikalsaki Brief Description: I can confirm that since I joined this server on 25 January 2015, I have lost, at the very least, the following items due to a bug or glitch that I know nothing about except the fact that it halted the existence of said items: - More than two pumpkin axes - Two or more silk touch diamond pickaxes - An entire set of protection IV diamond armour (with at least one piece also enchanted with unbreaking III) You're probably saying that they got lost in fire/lava or the items were dropped and the tile entities despawned or whatever. Well I'm going to let you know right now that the items ceased to exist because of none of those reasons. Each item was in a chest when it disappeared. I don't remember perfectly if any of the silk touch diamond pickaxes and pumpkin axes and diamond armour were in the same chests or not or if it was even at the same time. But I do know that all pieces of the diamond armour were in the same chest at the same time. I did not witness the disappearance of any of these items. What I know is that I deposited these items into chests of mine that were locked via "/cprivate" for various reasons (the armour because another player had some weird sacrificial ritual thing where you'd jump into lava and I didn't want to lose the armour in lava, the dpicks because I didn't need them at the time, etc) and when I went to retrieve them from the chest I had put them in, they were absent from their respective chests. So naturally, I panicked (especially with the prot4 darmour since it was not mine; I was actually borrowing it) and searched every chest in my house repeatedly until I could confirm that the item was officially missing. Again, I can confirm with 100% accuracy that none of the items I am stating were victims to this bug/glitch/whatever were in unlocked chests. The armour was /own'd (though I do not have the item IDs for any of the pieces of armour) as well as at least one of the silk touch dpicks. I do not think any of the pumpkin axes were /own'd but I could be wrong. And if there was any doubt at all in my mind that I had removed the item(s) from the chest(s) and forgotten about that, I would not be posting this not-sure-if-this-is-a-bug report. Instructions: 1. Put something that seems to be something I use often and value and find to be monetarily expensive in a chest I have performed "/cprivate" on and given no one else access to 2. See if the item is still in the chest even though I did not remove it Steps 1 and 2 vary as I didn't record the exact steps I took to cause the items to disappear as I didn't intentionally cause them to disappear How many times did you recreate this bug?: At least eight, all times I was unaware that I was recreating this bug and thus all replications were unintentional Result: Loss of, at the very least, a full set of protection IV diamond armour possibly enchanted with unbreaking III (I can't remember if any of the pieces had unb3 or not), loss of at least two silk touch diamond pickaxes, loss of at least two diamond axes with efficiency V and possibly other enchantments as well Expected Result: I hadn't really expected anything as expecting an item to not disappear implies that you also are aware there's a real chance that it might disappear, which I was not until the most recent loss of an item (which was an /own'd silk touch diamond pickaxe that I don't remember the item ID of that I lost within an hour prior to posting this and is actually what prompted me to file this not-sure-if-this-is-a-bug report) Evidence: I cannot prove that any of the items I have claimed to have lost were ever in my possession. However, both @ItProSlayerz and @edge150 are capable of testifying that they have witnessed me using at least one of the items I claim to have lost. Matter of fact, @ItProSlayerz can also testify specifically about the protection IV diamond armour as it was actually he who I was borrowing from.
I'm not asking for them to be returned as I know it's server policy not to return lost things. But again they also were not taken unless a user was able to somehow capable of bypassing the LWC protection. I did do /cinfo and can confirm that I am the only one capable of accessing those chests (excluding those capable of fulfilling LWC requests, thought I have no reason to believe that anyone at all capable of LWC requests abused their powers and am thus not accusing them of doing so).
Do you have a rough estimate of when you owned the items? Unfortunately without knowing the item id, it may be tricky identifying exactly which items you are referring to.
If you're wondering when I initially did "/own" on the tools, I haven't a clue. Sometime almost immediately after acquisition is the best I can do. On multiple occasions I had to re-/own them because I had died (they were safely in a chest and hadn't disappeared at the time because when I die, it's usually on purpose and when it's on purpose, I throw my stuff in a chest at my home just in case) and whatnot. I think I might've re-/own'd some of them between Sunday, 20 June 2015 and Tuesday, 23 June 2015 as, like aforementioned, a user was holding some weird cult-like jump-into-lava style sacrificial festival or something and I re-/own'd some (but not all because I'm lazy) tools not long after I had jumped into said lava and died. If you're wondering when I lost the things I mentioned, I don't have exact dates for all of them but I do for some of them. I posted this not-sure-if-this-is-a-bug report immediately after I had realised my silk touch diamond pickaxe had gone missing. I realised said pickaxe went missing yesterday within five minutes of logging on (realised at around 5:10pm CDT which is abnormally late for me to log on for the first time of the day; was busy irl). The protection IV diamond armour I realised went missing sometime on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 between 2pm CDT and Wednesday, 25 June 2015 at like 1am CDT (Dewsy, I know you're looking at me like I'm an ECC addict...I always know when people are giving me judgy eyes...well I'm not an addict cuz I took a few breaks then). I know it was sometime that day because I installed MacroMod within a few hours of realising it went missing and I looked through my .minecraft/mods folder and right clicked on mod_macros_*.litemod and hit Properties and it said the file was created not long after midnight on Wednesday, 25 June 2015. With the protection IV diamond armour, I was not the one who owned them. The actual owner was @ItProSlayerz and it was in an unlocked chest in my town and my policy is that if someone forgets to lock a chest, I lock it and then give them permissions to it. I borrowed the armour from @ItProSlayerz as he was inactive. (If you're wondering, he was on the other day, maybe a day or so before I initially filed this report, and he forgave me for losing the armour and whatnot.) @ItProSlayerz might know when he had owned the armour but I'm not sure. So best to ask him when the armour was owned.
Oh and also, yesterday I took the time to handwrite my item IDs so that if I lost any of them due to this not-sure-if-this-is-a-bug prior to this thread being locked, I could let you know of the item IDs.
Although not usable in a complaint, did you have anyone investigate the chest to confirm it was placed in and not taken out? If so, a screenshot with the times may help narrow the time down for any searching. If not, you may want to still have it done.
No I didn't but I will as soon as possible. Accidentally left my client on during work so I have to restart it due to a timeout-caused invalid session.
I found 2 diamond enchanted pickaxes in this chest here: Are those the missing ones? With regards to the armour, I will look into it if I get chance. As you can imagine though, looking for the ID of items is a hugely time consuming task!
@nikalsaki We found that you died with armor owned by @ItProSlayerz on 2015-06-23, and it wasn't picked up after that. Could that be the missing armor? ID# of the item was #IAJ3JN9R
Oh...well now I feel really stupid (concerning the picks and armour)...but your spent time wasn't a total waste as you helped me figure out that I need to talk to my optometrist (eye doctor) about getting a stronger prescription for my glasses XD But concerning the stuff that I did not have IDs for, I'm rather confident that those were not lost due to deaths or due to failing to see a chest in plain sight. I will file another bug report if I find that this happens again for a reason not due to my apparently failing eyesight and/or apparently failing memory.
Just a thank you to the staff team for doing a great job assisting our community with these investigations. Thanks guys! @Nicit6 @Dewsy92 @JamieSinn @kukelekuuk00