Minecraft Username: @Ladyvamptress Brief Description: I have evicted a town member via /mail like 5 days ago due to inactivity. I went back around to remove them, I did /seen on them and it said they were offline for 19+days. I then did /rg rm fulkner SolarFlarre and I get a message saying "Failed to remove member: Unable to resolve the names solarflarre". I contacted @Imaginex as she was the only staff on at the time and she linked me to check the name at: https://namemc.com/s?SolarFlarre That is their most recent name and it does come up on /seen. I added @Imaginex to my town as owner for her to try and it did it to her as well, so she suggested I file this bug report. Instructions: Do /rg removemember fulkner SolarFlarre Get error message Doesn't remove How many times did you recreate this bug?: Several, not only me, but staff has tried too. Result: Remember is still on my town when not wanted to be. Expected Result: Would like to remove the member. Evidence: https://namemc.com/s?SolarFlarre You can see them added to my town in the first image and then the error message and them on /seen in the 2nd image.
/rg removemember fulkner McSolrxProPlayz if you scroll down, you notice there are 2 players you added transwooffles before the name change, then galactic changed his name to solar.
Yeah just for anyone else with this issue, as I had the same. You have to either use the UUID or their new name. There's many sites online to find the new names. Bit confusing at first