Minecraft Username: MrBojangles73 Brief Description: When i drink a night vision potion ( 8 min Recipe ) everything lights up like supposed to..but when i strike the block with my pick my screen goes black.. i still see the squiggly lines from drinking the potion but thats all i see.. Instructions: 1 drink potion 2. strike wall with tool How many times did you recreate this bug?: 5 times and even relogged twice Result: No vision at all Expected Result: Brightness everywhere Evidence:
I wanted to reply ..It now seems to be working correctly.. i changes to fast setting on video settings and it worked right..so i put it back on fancy settings and it still seems to be working correctly.. Not really sure what happened.. I will post again if i have another issue with it .. Heading back underground.. Have a good day Ecc and great job on Rising launch Andrewkm ^5 \o/