Don't read, not to future humans. For future references. Nick0jenna owns the names "the nether star exchange" "nstar exchange" "mine-depot" and "mine rite"
Well, since he was the first one to say it officially, I guess he owns it. Its like Jets' Minewars. He made the first one, the best and the original, and everyone tried to copy it, but everyone knows his is the first and the best
ok i copyright the word "Diamond" and "Money" and "ERMGAWD can i have free moniez" so every time somebody says any of those words they owe me 1k...
nickla3107 Hmm, i trademarked that, you owe me 1k per post, and 10k per positive rating. 204 posts times 1k = 204,000 32 rating times 10k = 320,000 You owe me 534,000 Dollars!!! I'm on my way to go trademark "Harryhaz1" I need more cash, harry haz lots of posts Multimillion time!
Thay are not trade marked and i know there is no punishment of using them, but it is more of a common courtesy if you use the name to ask first. and harry you can have Teh NethahStur Exchangzors
Im officially trademarking andrewkm and expect full royalties for sed trademark to be used in any fashion including Andrew himself. Also WeWinAgain must change his name within 48hrs as I own that as well.
I just got copy rights to every button on the English keyboard so every letter number or symbol you all use is going to cost 1k each. I expect that you will keep track of your usage do not forget to add the times you use the spacebar enter key and backspace. If said funds are not ready when called upon I will be force to seek the legal help of welikeike22 and do any of you really want to butt heads with him. Check and Mate.
Sadly for you, I copyrighted the keyboard. And for every second you stare at your computer,you owe me 1k. I copyrighted it allllllll!