if you think you got the nicest home on ECC than enter in my contest winner gets 1k in its free to enter just pm me in the game (sonic_guy456) and i will come look at your home. the contest ends on monday.
1k please. You can pay me with 12 diamonds too. Whichever works for you. Here's a screenshot of my mansion.
That’s awesome dpatt! How long it take you to build? Make sure you hide it from @Da_Tirtow though, with all that dirt he will be begging to move in.
Took me about 3 weeks on and off. And yes, it is protected in a town to prevent griefers like @Da_Titrow. Thanks for the compliment! If anyone wants one in their town too, I can build one for a very reasonable price. Just PM me in forums or in-game.
You're in luck, because I'm building the exact same houses, but on YOUR town! For a small fee, I will cover the cost of materials and workers and you can lay back and relax while watching this magnificent mansion be constructed. Quotes start at 50k for standard, up to 300k for magnificent mansions like these.