Minecraft Name: rwills1226 Suggestion: Perhaps Invincibility could be purchased for users to have in their own town as in the Spawn. Reason: I think it would be nice not to be able to die in your town or get killed by other players while afk in your town.
If this was a flag that could be purchased, I think that it would need a much higher price than the current $10,000 for flag changes.
The problems that could exist are people in arena's and mobspawners, but arena's override normal town flags and you can already mobdisguise and make the mobs not attack you and I can't think of any other issues. I would really like this seeing as my town is underwater and with this I can mark out plots easier and I wouldnt have to take in account that people can drown.
I agree with you. But you can't have these flags with it something like this? []MobSpawn with Invincibility []PvP with Invincibility are some that wont be aloud?