This post is in regards to Andrews Tweet on the current spawn situation !! I would like to help ! I have several good ideas. It's a lot of work. All my projects are a lot of work. Portals should be alphabetical with no obstruction, optimizing access time and making them easy to find. Thus, 27 floors !! The main floor will have 26 lifts A through Z PLUS the build gates, Nether, Aether, Mining, User Stores, Spawn Shop and PVP gate !! PLUS ** a gate to 'Old Spawn' !! Each other floor would have portal gates installed from from to back in the order they were first created (if that's possible): Oldest cities up close, newest cities to the rear. This way, there will be order, without having to shuffle gates alphabetically. Aesthetically, spawn is ugly. Nothing green, nothing soft... just grey and boring. Lag wise, spawn ranks #1 - so I would suggest moving the central building to a new set of chunks to cure the nasty lag we are having at spawn. It should be 80 blocks (or 5 chunks) away from the mess we call spawn - and user stores !! Final analysis, this new spawn should probably be built as a 5 x 5 chunk area or 80 x 80, and then transplanted as 5 chunks when ready !! I would request several veteran builders on this one, including you, Andrewkm !! Yes, spawn needs to be capturing. New players coming to ecocities need to go OOOOoooh and AAAAaaah !!! - and everything needs to have super easy access !! This is a megastructure and would be 80 x 60 x 30 x 7 (30 floors 7 tall each) 5 x 5 chunks, chunk aligned... with the ground excavated to Y=40 to allow a park area on the roof !! I can do it.
Well... seeing as there isnt much i can add to this.... bump for being awesome xD Even though its already at the top...
I have begun building a complete spawn environment at coords -4660 x 69 x -879 !! Please be patient as these things need time to troubleshoot.