You should make snipe a town scavanger hunt, place multiple boxes in several towns, hidden, it will help promote travel to foreign towns and make things harder and more interesting all at the same time
That isn't a snipe then. It's a hunt. We want to have a snipe. Not to mention that Andrew wouldn't invade private towns.
There actually used to be some random scavenger hunts (with and without permission for towns), and they were great. However, you are right - this is not really a suggestion for Snipe Box.
True. My other thought was to have a maze setup with a chest at the end, who ever gets there first will pretty much get whats in the chest, my brother and I already have this setup in our town and do this with the town citizens, its quite fun, nobody has ever completed the maze yet
I'm actually working on plans for a huge one of these someday, in like 4-5 months. I hope to have redstone puzzles, a multiple town search process (I already have 4 towns, each with portals). So yeah look for that someday. It might be 1 month, it might be a year. But I hope everyone on the server enjoys it I'll try to make like a 100k prize or something substantial
Snipe box aside, you guys should talk to Nicodemux He has a huuuge labyrinth and has already done two races. Both with huge prizes.
There are plenty of ways to build awesome mazes and I welcome the opportunity to visit other people's mazes Also, my maze town is not open to visitors at this time because it is under construction in preparation for another event.