I agree Videowiz92, I was on when the Unknownrider head was for sale. I am not having a dig at you Sheathok but the problem comes that you sell it, whoever buys it sells it and after trading hands a few times the "renamed" item becomes just the "named" item and then it carries on from there. All of a sudden we have 20 unknownrider heads floating around and everyone claiming theirs is the original....
Also Sheathok, what you had done is what sparked the idea that I needed to put this rule in affect. Unknownrider has a bounty of 45k right now, that 45k that someone could put in value towards the head (that and because of his status in pvp); if 20 fake unknownrider heads were spread around the economy it could deface the value of the original item. Also think of this scenario - Someone renames a dirt block "diamond" and puts it up for auction. Technically he would get away with the auction before I wrote this rule. There would be a lot of complaints of scamming but since the item was named what the person auctioned it wouldn't have broken any rules. That's why I needed to make this rule.