I am directly tagging this to @andrewkm because I think that this suggestion will help the ECC community and make ECC even more enjoyable than it already is! So... Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here goes nothing. I have been looking at the suggestions that have been recently posted and many of them are suggesting that there should be a new rank. I fully agree with this, but only to a certain extent! I think that some of these are very good and creative ideas and might be better suited for a smaller server. But with a server of this importance, you would need something to stand out over all other suggestions for it to be put in use. As I said previously, I have been looking over the recent suggestions. And... Something occured to me, why don't we have a new rank for users to show that they are good at building. Just for reference this is a follow up post to a comment I saw on a previous suggestion. The rank should be an additional rank from the other aether ranks, costing a steep 50k for users to show off that they are good at building, where users can have a cool rank, that they could maybe chose the colors themselves, but have a certain word font with the ranks name. So, like a custom colored rank!!! Maybe you would have to post an application with recent building projects to get selected for this prestigious rank!
This is not a building server, this is an economy servers. Ranks have to be bought with money and that's it, no special achievement ranks, The rank system is supposed to be simple and straightforward, adding new "achievement" ranks is not a good idea.