I am a new player to minecraft but i do know quiet a lot about it. i was just wondering, how do i go about joining to economy server?? any help would be much appreciated. thank you!
how exactly does the economy work? i just need to get a little informed just to start learning the basics
Well for new/confused players we generally try to guide them towards the tutorial. This can be found by going to the mainworld (first spawn when you joined) and walking straight. About 30 blocks there will be an emerald and obsidian lined portal. Go through there and read up on all/any sections that you feel you need to learn. Along with NEVER hesitate to ask something in global or even /msg a moderator to ask a question. Useful commands. /ch g - Joins Global Chat; Very popular, used for general talk and chat. /ch tr - Joins Trade Chat; A trade chat used to buy and sell items/tools/features/anything /ch auc - Joins Auction Chat; used for auctioning items, if not sure how to auction sit back and watch one or two happen. /ch l - Joins local chat; Users withing 400 blocks of you can see you chat, useful for small/private area chatting or doing a trade. /spawn - Teleports you to the spawn of whatever world you are in /who - Find out who is online /msg <username> - talk to someone in a private chat (Example Below) ======================================================== /msg SnDxCH4RG3R Hello! Only I would be able to see you say "Hello" to me. Hope this helped, again any question feel free to contact me, ask in global, or message a Moderator or a SuperMod if you get confused!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[$]Welcome to EcoCityCraft.[$]