New player needs help

Discussion in 'Help & Support / Errors & Bugs' started by Ranger958, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Ranger958

    Ranger958 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Nov 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hello I'm ranger958 and I just joined.(i haven't played yet because of the expansion) but after reading the rules I have a few questions. First: In the rules it says that grieving in the wild is allowed but frowned upon, and I was wondering if griefing for resources is frowned upon. like not greifing to be mean but griefing because you want to sell or use the blocks. Second: It mentioned not spamming the chat by repeating it. How often and how fast is considered spam? Can I repeat the message twice in a row? Third: Can I place a trade sign anywhere I want? Or does it have to be in an official shop?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer this!
    #1 Ranger958, Nov 17, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
  2. curtis1998

    curtis1998 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Question 1: If someone sees you griefing a house they won't care weather you are using the resources for money or not. Either way if you want to be friends with someone don't destroy their house. If you greif in a town though then you will be banned (griefing inside a town basically means building outside your plot or destroying outside your plot) but you dont need to worry about being banned for griefing the wild. Griefing a town also includes placing water on the border to make it run into the town.

    Question 2: You will receive spam warnings from the server when this happens i suggest you lay off chat for a few seconds, common sense will tell you weather or not you are spamming

    Question 3:To place a trade sign you must be the rank of resident (earn $15,000 and then apply on the forums) but when you get this rank then you can place it anywhere (obviously not scattered randomly around a protected town because this would be grief)

    I hope this helped you and if you require further help don't hesitate to ask me, I hope to see you around the server and good luck.
  3. Delucaco

    Delucaco Station 64 Swag
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 2, 2012
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    Hello, and welcome to ECC, sorry that the map expansion is just happening as you are wanting to play but it will be well worth it. Firstly, the rules have summed up the griefing rules well, NO griefing in protected towns and you can grief in the wild, though, try not to do it. If you see a house in the wild, just don't mine it for the resources since there is newly regenerated land right below your feet.
    To address your second point, a good time frame for advertising in /ch tr (Trade related content only) is every 1-2 minutes and double posting would be considered as spamming.
    Thirdly, you must be a resident to place trade signs which you can get once you acquire 15k and apply on the forums, you can place a trade sign anywhere you please though if its in a protected town, don't place any trade signs without the mayor's permission.

    I hope this answers your questions,

  4. Ranger958

    Ranger958 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Nov 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Thanks for answering my questions. You were both very helpful.