I made this thread to address an obvious change to the ECC community. This is for opinions only, no flaming or arguing. If I see ONE flame post I will ask a mod to lock this. My opinion is that we need answers from Andrew, and I don't think its fair that he is being secretive and over reacting because some people didn't like a joke he pulled. He has been taking harsh criticism and mean posts his whole ECC career, and now he just decides to become a bot because people didn't think it was professional? I don't like it one bit. Post what you think below. I would also like a little participation from this EcoCityCraft user if it isn't too much to ask. Regards, ~Ian
I think that andrew and revan meeting up recently may have actually been to discuss the future of the server...
Yeah, I feel like this could be an annoyance. Some of these changes seem very unnecessary, but we will just have to adapt. I personally hate changes .-.
I noticed the different server owner a couple days ago but if it's not too much to ask, could you explain what happened/what is going on? I haven't been on as much as i'd like so i'm just wondering what changes have been taking place. I just noticed tonight that 2 more vote links disappeared. Thanks.
Well according to a SuperMod - there is a ServerOwner exchange. Features will be removed due to this event, but I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm just curious as to why this is happening all of the sudden...
features being removed, i didn't see that in chat. and no offense i've never seen you before, unless you get someone more reputable to back that up i refuse to believe features will be revoked
The ServerOwner said that voting websites will be removed, and in the ShoutBox, a SuperMod had said there was going to be exchange of ownership. I'm not just relying on the in-game chat.