President Application AnokFero, Mayor of Akert. I have the funds for President Applications, obtained from great donations from ZidaneTribunal and EcoDollars. The Town #2 Application is in this thread. As President, I am wanting to obtain five or six towns for Newbie training and integration to ECC. I have read, follow and enforce Sever Rules. I also understand this will take time and I shouldnt hassle other staff. Town #2 Application AnokFero President of Akert and KingsValley I have the funds for Pres and Town 2. I made the funds with great help from ZidaneTribunal and EcoDollars. I am with this Application The new town name will be KingsValley Capitals is vitial for this Town Name (Please) I have not, nor do I have the funds for, a Nation Master. KingsValley will be 200x200 -5344 90 -8660 -5144 90 -8660 -5344 90 -8860 -5144 90 -8860 I am building next to my own town Akert. I give myself and only myself permission to do this. KingsValley has no information yet, just making sure that land is mine. I have read the rules and understand them. I understand this will take time and I shouldnt hassle other staff. Town Flag Change AnokFero, President of Akert, KingsValley. I have the money for this application. Money was gathered from great help from ZidaneTribunal and EcoDollars. I wish to change the Town Flag of KingsValley MobSpawning to True. I have read the rules and understand them. I understand this will take time and I shouldnt hassle other staff.