Hello first of all i'm really enjoying this server so far but i have a few questions i need answered firstly how do i protect my house that i built? second when i talk it says "no one hears you" what does this mean? And last how do i rank up? Thanks to everyone who helps me. Kevin.
You need to become mayor, and make your own town. The other way is to buy a plot in a town, so that it is a protected. ( Anything in a town is protected. ) You are in local, and there is nobody in a radius of 400x400 of you. You need to gain the correct amount of money for the rank, and apply for it in the Applications / Special Features part of the forum. The first ranks you are allowed to get are: Resident - 15,000$ (Highly suggested), Survivor - 20,000$, and Pilot - 20,000$. If you want more information on prices of ranks use: /help ranks while in-game.