Donation Command I am suggesting a command, in game, or possibly a section on your profile on the forums, that allows you to see the donation features you own/donated for. I suggest only because sometimes i cannot remember if I have bought something or not, and also its just a convienence. I recently donated for ExtCreations+ not knowing i had it, i got $30 dollars credit, because andrewkm had informed me my mistaken purchase, anyways i would like to add that in game or on forums, thanks for listening add an idea on this or your opinion on it, agree, disagree, i dont care, any feed backs great, If you like it click agree check mark! Thanks Command Ideas /donationfeatures /dfeatures /donator /donations
I may not be super-smart on servery stuff, but i dont think you can personally add a command... i may be mistaken though so dont take my word
Ik i mean i dont think THEY can add a random command whenever. Now remember: I fail at servers so dont listen to me
If I remember correctly from previous suggestion of this, the reason its not added is the way the information is stored cannot be easily quarried and returned, but I could be wrong. While having an addition to the forums, the initial implantation of this would be a tremendous task, and would be a large barrier even if a command/feature could be added. I do know that mcmmo directly supports it, as it tell yous about bonus exp you do earn, the rest do not to my knowledge. My current way of doing it would be to test commands of the features to see if you have access, a tedious process but it works(well, expect for muilti-home plus if you are nowhere near the cap.)