So I was playing today and I had a thought, "Hey what if one of the hunger games arenas was a Labyrinth?" It could be riddled with traps and hidden chests, and buildings hidden in open areas in the maze. Players could see other's nametags, but wouldn't have a direct route to them, getting rid of the classic "Running from the guy with an iron sword behind you" scenario that happens in most open maps. I'd just like to see what you guys can do with the idea, and I think that it would make a great addition to the 4 current maps.
Yes it would, but I think that it would quickly become a favorite among the players. I was thinking a rather small maze that wasn't too complex either. more of going around the spawn in the maze than outwards, so you'd run into more players
Moved Hunger Games Discussion -> Suggestions. Personally, I love the idea. It would not take long to make it ourselves, and if we're really feeling lazy, we could use Nicodemux's labrynth, or at least the first level of it, with some chests being made, maybe traps, those things could be added. Of course, this would be up to Nico to decide if he would allow that.
You may certainly use a part of my maze as a starting template for a new Survival Games map. I would definitely recommend that extensive modifications be made before it is used for this kind of thing. I also agree this is a great idea.
For my underground Labyrinth/maze, I had an expert maze consultant who advised me on the design. Yesterday I reached out to him about how a Hunger Games Labyrinth map might work. He got back to me and had some great ideas! I hope to be able to work on this project very soon.
Flamingforce, birdnerd47, and I made a very cool labyrinth SG map. I hope you folks at ECC will view and consider it!
The chests are in there, I've added more since the video. And I made sure that there is no way to get on the walls, because yea, that would defeat the purpose of the whole map. But I think its pretty sick, even though the video is horrible.
People can't parkour on the walls because of how we set up the towers and there are over 60 chests in the arena, not including the middle. Almost every room has a chest. Also if this map is picked the staff will add/subtract chests as needed.
Yes, there is ample space to add more chests. Also, the walls of the maze consist of mossy cobble and cobble, not vines so players can't climb up
Myself, Alex_Goalie_1 and koolwoods could make this map! We have made SG maps before and are talented. Would the map be considered?
The map is already made, and is in the needed format. There is no need for you to make one yourself for this purpose.
Hi guys! Thanks for working on this. I like your map. I have also been toying with this idea, as I mentioned above. One thing I would change as a personal preference is that I am thinking I would do a maze with less "dead ends", so as to increase the amount of encounters and interaction between the players, while still retaining the maze feel that you'd want from such a map. Because the new SG board has space for other maps, I would speculate that there would be a chance for the community to somehow contribute to adding more maps.