Name: Original_Jackson Suggestion: Netherwarts be raised to atleast 50 cents per. Reason: Hello, as an avid farmer of netherwart I was upset that my primary crop had been changed so much. I also know that pumpkins were changed to $0.40 per and then increased to $0.50. I believe that netherwarts should be increased to atleast 50 cents per. Because with pumpkins the tool you need to farm them cost anywhere from 3-8k these days, and a fortune 3 pick runs the same. Without fly I made around 15k/hour with pumpkins and almost exactly the same with nwarts, about 14.5-15k. (Note this was when both crops were 60 cents) If netherwarts and melons both use a tool to make them worthwhile and made the same in the past, why are netherwarts still not being increased? Also, I do not believe pumpkin axes having to be repaired makes a differences, it's only 100-200 for a erep and you earn more than nwarts anyways so it evens out.
Added you farm nwarts on slowsand so you don't farm them or plant them as quickly/easily as with say wheat or carrots.