Minecraft Username: b14ck5n0w Brief Description: Applied for Nether access approximately two days ago. Money was removed. Don't have access or Title (forums) Instructions: 1. Remove nether access 2. Try to walk through the portal. 3. Error, "Access Denied." 4. Ejected back into spawn. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 5-6 times. As long as I don't have access, I cannot get in. Result: (See Instructions) Expected Result: Stargate teleport to the Nether. Evidence: N/A
*drumroll* *every one eyes open and waiting* *dorc farts* *creeper explodes* *clears through* *dorc farts again* * andrewkm falls asleep * *dorc farts agin (WTF)* LOCKED *everyone claps and throws out flowers*