So ive bin thinking and i dont know what to do. I want to go for vip builder but at the same time not many people trust me because im a BUILDER and it annoys me allot when you say oh im a great builder and id love to help you, and they so oh your a builder your not very experienced, its very annoying and i dont know if i should go for vip builder and be like amazing or get res and be able to make money and more people will trust me please vote for what you think i should do.
Really? I think a VIP builder has more invested in the server than a resident, I would trust the VIP more.
To me a builder just seems volatile and with the inexperience of a builder they could rage quit with a melon sword whereas res has more time invested. I don't look at it so much as money but more of experience/time invested
But what is the difference between builder and resident? Idk about others but it only took me about 2 days, as a resident I was still very inexperienced and did not yet have much invested at the server.
Agree with Jason. I don't understand how you believe resident is more than real money. Why not go both?
I just believe that time is money and by ranking up you show that you have played for a decent amount of time and have experience. Now if you are a VIP pres that is a different story. But a VIP builder just kinda makes someone seem like an impulse buy before they have even been on a week. Maybe they haven't learned enough responsibility yet.
I would get VIP builder. If thats what you really want, go for it. I would trust you even if you werent VIP, simply because I have seen you around. You have made yourself known to the public and let people know you are there. I trust you not as a player, not as a Builder, but as a Person. But hey, that's just me :b
Ik and many choose to go that route of just buying towns. It all comes down to a factor (for me) between rank and how much ive heard ur name tossed around ( and a little bit on the donations part)
Exactly like i said above you have your name being tossed around and that helps, but getting res wouldnt be a bad idea at some time
Now i have some thinking to do but it looks like im going for vip buiilder. But it might take a while.
Well, I don't think a builder is just going get on the server, 5 minutes later go "I love this place, time to go donate $500 bucks." and then 15 minutes later "I hate this place, that $500 bucks was a waste." I mean, $500 bucks is something you think about. Five numbers on a screen is something you don't think about.