Need help regarding Enchantments etc

Discussion in 'Help & Support / Errors & Bugs' started by Articer, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Articer

    Articer Builder
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    Jul 11, 2013
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    Hey again! So im really new to this server and Im learning new things everyday so I can become a respected member in the ecocitycraft community. But there are a few things I have not learned yet, which I hope you can help me with. Please note that I have tried to do some research before asking the community.

    1: The first thing is about Enchantments. I have found an Enchantment book but I do not know how to use it. Can I enchant my own items? If yes, what do I need and how do i do it on this server?

    2: I want to start my own farm, either melon or pumpkin, but from what I understood I need certain tools for this, a melon sword or a pumpkin axe. The melon sword is extremely expensive, can I enchant a diamond sword myself to create a melon sword if I have the enchantments?

    3: Do I need to donate to be able to use enchantments for myself? If yes, how much does it cost?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Logannnnnn

    Logannnnnn Alaska シ
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    Apr 18, 2012
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    @Lukas0120, welcome!

    I will go ahead and answer your questions.

    1. (Enchantments) here on ECC, enchanting tables have been disabled. We have a shop at spawn that can enchant your items for a certain amount of exp! It's great that you have an enchainment book, but you will need someone that has Ext.Comamnds + (Anvil Usage) to apply that book to one of your tools.

    2. (Star Tools) To start a farm, you don't necessarily need top of the line tools to farm. You can get a normal diamond axe and pumpkin farm that way! You can NOT create your own melon sword if you have the enchantments. You either have to buy one, or save your nether stars for one.

    3. To be able to apply enchantments to your items, you will have to donate. But if you ask around in /ch tr you can pay people in-game money to apply the enchantments for you.

    If you would like to donate for this feature, you would need Ext.Commands and Ext.Commands+ in our Shop.

    I hope I answered all of your questions, and if you have any more, feel free to start a forum conversation with me, or post another thread!
    #2 Logannnnnn, Jul 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
  3. Articer

    Articer Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 11, 2013
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    Thank you! That answered all my question! Really appreciate it :D