Username:Whoscoolthisguy What type of job are you looking for?:Any Job I Can Get. How much are you looking to get paid:Around $100 Additional Information:If You Are Willing To Pay I Am Willing To Work! To Hire Me Send Me A Mail In Game. Type In Chat /mail send whoscoolthisguy I Have A Job For You.
i have a job for you go to towns gate go the signs side on floor one in the middle right hand side there is paragate go in paragate on the right hand side of the castle go down the ladders to get to the melon farm 15 stacks for 75 and 20 for 125 Do you accept?
Agree to my contract. I agree that for every 20 stacks of melons that I sell to asiasi27, he will in turn provide 100 ecodollars.
asiasi27 go to the contracts forums find the one that was made by me and then in the comments of that thread is where u say what u said above and then it is final.
Deal Ill Take The Job! Do You Have A Melon Farm If So Please Comment How To Get To It, and Make Sure You Give Me Permission To Use It.