These pictures are to let others see my life outside of ECC and the hobbies I enjoy doing. I know I am obviously not a pro at this, in fact I just started taking pictures of the waves yesterday. However, I am very passionate about the beach and I hope you enjoy these pictures. To see more my instagram is @jakemorisato. 7/23/14 Sandy Beach Hawaii. Just scored one of my best pictures ever. 7/2/14 Sandy Beach Hawaii. Well I've been inactive on ECC for a while now and my life is going great right now. I've improved greatly in my wave photography skill and I figured I should show my much newer and better pictures. Enjoy! 3/03/14 Sandy Beach Hawaii. Sorry for not posting in such a long time D:. I have tons of stockpiled pictures for you guys but I just haven't got around to posting them. Anyhow, this is one of my favorite pictures because of the clarity and refraction the wave provides enjoy. 2/02/14 Sandy Beach Hawaii. To the request of chargers, I will post, "moar pictures". These waves were captured on Super Bowl Sunday and the amount of "decent" photos I got that day, made up for missing the Super Bowl (it wasn't really a good game anyway). Anyways, this picture is of an extremely wide barrel that just amazed me. Enjoy. 1/19/14 Sandy Beach, Hawai. This picture is one of the trippiest I've taken. Though the wave wasn't very large. The cool effect emitted by the whitewash falling over the lip completely re-innovates this photo. 1/12/14 Sandy Beach, Hawaii. Sorry that this post isn't as good as the others. I'm trying to get back into the groove after being away from the beach for a month. Anyways, this picture was of my friend christian on a very glassy wave. Enjoy. 12/14/13 Sandy Beach, Hawaii. The waves were breaking really badly 2 days ago. This was the only decent picture I got that day. 12/8/13 Sandy Beach, Hawaii I will constantly be adding photos as soon as I take them. *all photos shot with GoproHero3.
Go pros are amazing, i normally use them for air soft to get certain sponsors for our team, i never new you could take pictures with them though, i only thought you could use them for videos and live feed.
It hasn't snowed much yet Last year we got 2 feet in my area. It was awesome! It will start to pick up soon
I never read instructions xd, i got it from for like 300$ for taking videos, now that i know i can take pictures im gonna try it tomorrow. Do you surf?
That is so awesome. My family and I goes up to Lake Tahoe every march to go snowboarding and it is so fun.
Well at least canada has a nice steady climate, Michigans is like freaking summer one day then winter the next. Literally it was 60°F then the next day it was 17°F ;-;
Mele Kalikimaka bro. You guys should see Colorado weather. We hit -30 the other night with the wind chill and today it was in the mid 50s. Not only that but last week we went from warm, sunny 50s (not a cloud in the sky) to below 10 with 5 inches of snow OVERNIGHT.