Inspired by @Miss_Anomaly 's amazing collage, SkyRock had an idea of making one himself. One with more people, more faces... And finally, after gathering 400 different player skins, with the power of GIMP, MS Paint and multiple Ctrl - X ; Ctrl - V... Larger sizes: Spoiler: Medium Spoiler: Large Spoiler: The lucky 400, in order of appearance from top, left to right _Gankaku85_ _John_Galt _kiwi_cat_ _NIAGARA_ _Smokin _TANSTAAFL 0TheRedHerring0 3point14mp 7airlinepilot 7amoodw 98brando 314 12345shane a18greek18 Abby_Temple AcTiVeMonkey Adam_Slayer123 AdmiralD ajp79 Alarah Aled1984 alltheway87 Almoace Alpacahearder alpert3295 AlphaTimer amzy29 andrewkm Andusj annyonion AnokFero antcubing antonio1997m anvildash appleprocucling Aqua_Luna3 ArisenBatman asabrown Aserghui ASG_FTW asiasi27 ASWEDES ATWINKIE austinsplaneguy BaccaAMP BackToThePast BagoSchwago bandgeek144 BarbaricBuffalo berserk_on_xbl BGeisinger6 BigB_Man BigSusYorg blackbelt4eva BlackSnowAngel17 Blixmas block_crusher blowtube123 BLTwitch BlueNinjaMC blyddy Bmanvman bombfacter bpskotch BredRaid buddermanrules bybee2011 Caitlin_Crime Caitlyn_12 cakepan247 Camcliff CaptinCupcake11 Caz_B cdlawrence chargers2417 CHISM_101 chocolatecheese1 ChrisDKN Chundi_Jr Clob1296 clou44 COOKIEMONSTERS51 Coolslammer3 Core_Diver cracker228989 CrazySwagMaster1 creeperheat crossfire26 Ctoolme D0rc D4NTE_3 Da_Tirtow Daevir Dagepyro dakotakim Danekris Dark_Tonitrus David_Torento DaytonBigT Dccciz deadmaster81 Decin DeEnO12 Delucaco derp_eater DevotedToChrist Dewsy92 DFat DiamondDesire Dodos1 dom4king donkey5k Donny96 donut5777 dork1877 doubble_dees dpatt888 DrCreeperSlayer drewbo173 eben48 ECC_FTW eddieabery eekelmo Emau EnderArcher6400 Epicmiti Epislen evilring expoldzibo falconaire FermatsTheorem firecracker47 floffle123 fotballpay1 frenchhornplayer FuryFudge GamingFoxYT Garatto gazinggod generaljoecool georgie0417 Gernen GhostMaster2 glockemdown Glooble Gmax24 Gogoplatau GoldenArmor12 Gregor1999 Grimm123 habsjosh harrisoncolts harryhaz1 Haugzo hayden1109 HCPillarofFire HelenDKN Hiccabup Hiddenthinking hilv hokingyeung HortonHeardAJew icestyle idkhowtoplay iEvolive igorvanloo illinifan Inamine iOrbit Iticip jackaluss77 jakeyray18 James4747 Jason1964 jassimq JBuks jellyhead14 Jesse0192 jetfan16ladd jetscat jffsprs Jikkzz Joliver1998 jwpwns kalvb123 KeeP_eM_BounciN KHobbits Kick_Me_1235 KimJongIL11 kingofclimb KMaxwell knears2000 konan200x konradminecraft KovenWing Krobkins kukelekuuk00 Lady_Frost laff80 lapkingkn larene lavajok Le_Uggs LegendaryTrio legocar5 legomyeggo5 Leivite Lexi731rocs Liam_Slayer limsy365 Lord_Poring_III ltrain561 lurkblader m33crob Maco20047 magicwalrus14 Matrix_rep mattybillo1 MCHelix3000 MeTheKid23 Michaelwm mikeace60 minecraftguy65 minecraftninja05 MinecraftParkerH miner1975 miniclh Miss_Anomaly Mission001 Mochocrap ModernPerils monkeyBUTT244 Moofink Mr_Doom_Bringer MrBubblez98 MrJiggle123 mrpublic mysticgoli MystressLyssa nath_ZD ndm57dcraft Nelsin NeonFoxGaming Netsui newoo101 nicit6 Nicodemux nicoviacava1210 ninja_boy16 Ninjaboy3113 NinjaSteve13 NyanCats33 o_Hades_o oatmealman14 officepwnz123 Officialminer OhMrsKittyKat Olson1995 OnSceneReporter oreo1227 origamimaster10 Original_Jackson oxwood2 pat2100 pauldersgate pbrassat17 Peachy14 penguinpixi peregrines3469 PhoenixProject15 physicistsmom Popa915 prima23 priMELval Primzey ProducerNL pushkar Qohonez quefueve rabidworm Raccooy Radthorne RaginDevonian RagMan17 RailefBear rainbowmaster12 rapidredhead rebeljustin redbulllover69 rhyschalmers rikari88 River0Song rlv003 rockboy2000 rollsicy RyanJF1 SaintTNairsoft salvaotero98 SBTS scottyang1323 Sekatorr33 Sgt_Coltvin shadowballxx1 Shotgunboy0130 sick24 sinder33 Sios SirChilledMrHobo sitomo SkeletonFrogCat SKSoccer Skylexia SkyRock42 slacker965 sloppie SlyCopper2000 Smorezs snackmac SnDxCH4RG3R SoftlyPsychotic SolaceDevotio Solstice18 spaenjj SparklyPotato2 Sporker47 Sporkey47 SRH86 sssplayer12345 StanleyMines Starleana steveshizzle sthegreat2 stoler202 Stolio StoneIronZ subxplorer supermage50 Supersize SynWannaBe t_bone199205 Tanmanyellow17 TBM_Caromai TBM_Omega TBM_Striker Tdogg120 TheAngelEclipse TheBuckeye11 Thecreator767 TheN00BISHPanda TheSmiliAssassin TheWaffle89 thomasku11 Tkick TMgrinder TomKellyCreeper Tommy_T Tonitrus_Taurus Trevalynfar Trey_B twinsfan5 twistedjonny tymoyer Unknownrider upmoon usernameofdeath vdubmastertech vegocoke Vegtibleslayer22 vengulbacon Videowiz92 Vinh_Kin voiD_yO Vortlex vwman67 WeirdBuilder welikeike22 wewinagain whalshark66 whaleshark66 WhiteRaptor WiKiDOne WildGirl4444 will_the_warrior Winnazzz WogWorld WolvieD2GMark woodbury3 Wrestling_Champ xHigh420x xpurexcorex xX3PICREBELXx XxDIamondxbackxX Yokeby52 YseraTheDreamer YuseffAlqutub zardyger ZeCheeseMaster zedoker Zeno78 zorracraft Sorry for those that aren't here, apparently 400 slots was not enough ;-; Special thanks to : @Miss_Anomaly for the idea; @idkhowtoplay for sending in usernames; and @Lord_Poring_III for listing down the names. Very much thanks
Wow... Mine was about the same. Wish it was easier! We should ask someone to make something to do it for us xD