Hello ECC, I feel that the time has come for me to tell a little bit about these next two years and to say thank you to everyone that has been so kind and helpful. (You know who you are ) I will be taking a two-year break from ECC, and I guess from life in general. I will be living in Korea for this time, and if you would like to know all the reasons, please forum pm me and I will be happy to tell you, but it shouldn't be discussed here. Now, this probably isn't good-bye. I hope that the server will live for these 2 years so I can come back and play with the new and old players. It will be fun to see who still plays and who doesn't. Minecraft may be obsolete by the time I return, but I hope to see some familiar faces by the I get back. Any apologies that you may want from me, now would be the time please forum pm me. I hope we can be friends, even if I have wronged you. I know I haven't been perfect, but hey, no one is. Again, not goodbye, just see you later, ECC. Thanks for all you've done for me.
I recently said goodbye in person. It was nice to see you. Have fun in Korea and like Mission said be safe!
Unfortunately I will not be allowed to access the internet for purposes other than email. And yes its south. Very south in Busan.