Hullo everyone! So, I'm about 40k away from being able to afford a CustomTag! I've got quite a few suggestions from others already, and I've come up with some ideas on my own, and I'd like to see what you all think! If you have any new suggestions, please list them below! Keep in mind the character limit for a tag is 13 letters. I want to have a boss tag, and I'm horrible at creativity so my ideas probably suck xD. So, the current tags I'm debating are below. Tags Under Consideration: #1: "Phil" [G] [Moderator][Phil] falconaire: Reason - For whatever reason, an alarming amount of players call me "Phil" as rumors started that Phil is my actual name. I am one to embrace gossip, and would be happy to have this as my tag xD #2 "WackaFlacka" [G] [Moderator][WackaFlacka] falconaire: Reason - This is an old inside joke within my town, people decided in my town chat channel that I should be called "WackaFlacka" and the first thing I said was "that's going to be my tag on day". #3 "PrinceBelAire" [G] [Moderator][PrinceBelAire] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by 12345shane, mimics the TV show French Prince of Bel'Air, put with a fancy "aire". Watched to show when I was younger, me likey xD #4 "Jackson" [G] [Moderator][Jackson] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Original_Jackson, I wonder how he thought of it... #5 "HryHz1Hz1Fnd" [G] [Moderator][HryHz1Hz1Fnd] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Harryhaz1. Short for "Harry has a friend" #6 "Soaring" [G] [Moderator][Soaring] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Kmaxwell, it seems to be getting a lot of support! I personally like it , fits the "Falcon" theme, which I approve of. #7 "JaffasBuddy" [G] [Moderator][JaffasBuddy] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by WaffasJaffa, once again, I wonder why xD #8 "FalconPunch" [G] [Moderator][FalconPunch] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Nickla3107, I honestly like it! I've made a lot of references to it, and think it'd fit nicely as a tag. #9 "CptPhilcon" [G] [Moderator][CptPhilcon] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Rabidworm, I luv having "Phil" in my tag, as well as Captain, and think this is an awesome mix #10 "Captain" [G] [Moderator][Captain] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by Rabidworm, another good one that I wouldn't mind being mah tag. #11 "TheGiver" [G] [Moderator][TheGiver] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by blowtube123, the tag does go with the type of personality I strive for, and think it would be an appropriate tag #12 "Patron" [G] [Moderator][Patron] falconaire: Reason - Suggestion made by blowtube123, a Patron is one that protects, supports, or champions a person/idea. I'd be down with being a Protector of ECC And since it was requested, the origin of my IGN is; Each new suggestion you guys come up with will be added to the list above! Looking forward to seeing what you guys think ! Thanks <3
PrinceBelAire (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (search it up) put with an "e" to represent the "aire" in your name ;P)
I think some context would help us. What is the origin of your name and why did you pick it? What are some of your interests in minecraft and irl? How do you see yourself in game/what do you want to be known for?
Added xD, me likey! Welp, I'm trying to see what you'll think from what you've seen of me in-game or on the forums, so I'm not going to go into my interests and such, I personally feel that'd be rather boring to name it "GiveawayHost" or whatnot. You did bring to my attention that I should add a little bit of reasoning behind each Tag, which I've added. If it helps... The reason my name is "Falconaire" is the following: My old crush I had when I was in 9th Grade was a member of my school's cheerleader group, the "Falconaires". My old account's name bored me, and I wanted to make my name a bit more interesting. Like this thread may suggest, I'm dumb in terms of creativity, so I thought that "Falconaire" was far more snazzy than my previous IGN, and selected it as my new name. And for those of you wondering... this particular crush I had is now my actual gf . The story of the Falcon has now been solved...
I don't know whether to say grats or go eat my halloween candy thinking of the fact that a girlfriend will never happen to me while crying in a corner, so I'll simply say Grats? brb gotta go get some reese and tissues
I'd assume one day you'll get Nickname/Nickname+, so i'd advise against making Phill your custom tag, as you can make it your /nickname, and it would look a lot better. As for the custom tag, I think Soaring like Kmaxwell suggested fits nicely.
All of your suggestions have been added! I especially like "Soaring" and "FalconPunch", thanks for all the suggestions!