Earlier this evening me and several other users started voicing our different opinions on a controversial topic that recently took place. This occurred in global chat and in Pm format. To anyone that was affected/exposed to this, I am sorry for the way I behaved. I've realized that this, and other topics, are turning us into things that we as people should not be. Politics, race, and many other tender subjects create so much tension, aggression, and hate these days. This is not what we should be, or how we should act, and it certainly isn't how I wish to project myself as being. In addition to my heartfelt apology, I'd like any readers of this post to really just think about not contributing to the ugliness that the current culture expects from us. We play this game to have fun and be happy together. I urge everyone to just try and make their lives and the lives of the others around them more enjoyable. Thanks for reading this post, and please help me to make ECC, and the real world, free of moral ugliness.
Not sure what is was, though, since you say this at 12:30 in the morning where I live, I think I know what you are talking about and I forgive you.
Such is the reason for not discussing politics or religion on ECC, in game or in the forums. People of all sorts of backgrounds WILL be on the server and it will always lead to heated discussion. I love discussing both, but, completely restrain from it on ECC because it is the will of the owners and stated in the rules and is something we accept for access to the server. I appreciate that you have learned from your error in judgment and hope others can learn from it as well. I just hope that discussing the fact that we shouldn't be discussing politics or religion isn't considered discussing politics or religion. If I did accidentally do so, I apologize.